Wei (UP10TION)

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I definitely started this with one idea in mind and didn't follow it all. So I hope you enjoy this story anyways.


"Yah Y/n, what are you up to?" I looked up to find my friend, Jade, sitting on the desk next to me.

"I'm finishing up the homework that we got today." Jade rolled her eyes and sighed.

"You're such a nerd."

"Listen I just want to get it down early."

"Whatever." She sat down in the chair next to me and leaned in, "Apparently there's a new kid joining our class today." I shrugged, "Come on Y/n, aren't you a little curious?"

I finished the last problem and looked at her, "Why should I care?"

"Because! Maybe he'll be cute and will like you." I shoved her away as the teacher came into the room.

"You're so annoying." She mocked me and quieted down as Mrs. Breeze started class.

"Good afternoon students."

"Good afternoon Mrs. Breeze."

"Today we have a new student joining us. Mr. Lee, please introduce yourself."

You finally noticed the boy who was stood up in front. He smiled and waved, "Hi I'm Lee Sung Jun, but you can call me Wei."

"Hi Wei."

"Wei, you can sit in front of Y/n. Y/n please raise your hand." I looked up at raised my hand. Wei made his way over and waved at me. "Y/n, please guide him around for the rest of the day."

"Okay." I tapped Wei's shoulder, "Can I see your schedule?" He nodded and handed it over to me.

"Look at that, you guys have all the same classes. I hope you'll get along." Jade grinned, "It's fate."

I looked at her blankly, "Of course we have the schedule, that's why Mrs. Breeze assigned him to me. Sometimes I wonder how dumb you are." I turned to Wei, handing back his schedule, "You can just follow me for the rest of the day." I tried to sound as friendly as possible but I still sounded a little dead inside.

"Uh okay. Thanks." I nodded and focused on the teacher.


"Y/n, do you still talk to Wei?" Jade and Sori asked as we ate lunch.

I shook my head, "Not since he made friends freshmen year."

"But you guys looked so close the first month he was here." Sori sighed.

I shrugged, "Not really. I was his only friend at the time. But now he has his group of people."

"But it's junior year! And don't you have a crush on him? You should try to befriend him again." Jade laughed.

"Heck no. I do kind of, sort of, like him. But that wouldn't work out. Besides, he's really popular now. I don't wanna bug him."

"You're no fun." Sori whined.

I shook my head with a smiled. "Whatever, since you won't talk to him, are we going to homecoming all together?" Jade nudged me.

"Do I have to? I really would rather just stay home and watch Kdramas." Sori sighed and shook her head.

"Come on Y/n. It'll be fun, I promise." I shrugged but nodded in agreement, "Great! We'll be the best trio at the dance.


'You both have dates now?!"

"It just sort of happened! Y/n I'm sorry." Jade and Sori apologize.

"It's fine. I know you've been crushing on those guys for a while now. But seriously, you guys already made me buy the ticket. And I am not thir- fifth wheeling!" I huffed and sat down at our table with my food.

"Maybe someone will ask you too!" Sori tried to remain hopefully but I shot her down with a simple look.

"No one likes me like that guys. We are all painfully aware of this." I sighed as I poked around at my food.

I was zoned out when a bunch of people sat down at our table. Two of them were the guys that asked out Sori and Jade and I didn't pay attention to the rest. "They say you shouldn't play with your food." Someone whispered in my ear and I jumped and looked at whose voice it was.

"Why did you have to do that Wei?" I sighed as I laid my hand over my heart.

"Sorry." I shook my head and started eating my food. "So... Are you going to homecoming?"


"Why is that sad?"

I pointed at the two girls, "Because now they have dates."

"And I'm assuming you don't?"

"Bingo." I shrugged, "Whatever, I'll probably just leave once they're distracted."

"Oh." He sighed.

"What about you?" He gave me a funny look. "I assume you're going to the dance." He nodded, "So who are you taking?"

"Uh, I didn't ask anyone. I don't know who would want to go with me." He laughed awkwardly.

I rolled my eyes, "You're popular enough, I'm sure whoever would be happy to be your date. You clearly have someone in mind."

"You can tell?" I nodded, "How?"

"Because you sound unsure. Like in a 'I want to ask someone but I'm scared of rejection" type of way."

He just stared at me for a moment, "You're good. Any advice?"

"Just ask. They'll probably say yes. And if they don't, that's fine. Their lost." He nodded.

"Okay." I checked my phone and got up, "Where are you heading off to?"

"Y/n goes to the library every lunch. She likes getting a head start on her homework." Jade smiled, "I love our little nerd."

"Okay bye losers." I shook my head as I grabbed my bag. Once I was out of the cafeteria I felt my heart racing. "Oh god Y/n, you have it bad." I shook my head as I made my way to the library.

"Wait up!" God dammit, why did he have to follow me? My heart can't take anymore of this! "You walk fast for someone so short." I rolled my eyes and started walking again.

"Why'd you come?" I laughed, trying to calm myself.

"I just," He grabbed my shoulder and faced me towards him. I had to take a step back so I could look at his face more comfortably, "I needed to ask you something."

"Okay, get on with it."

He laughed, "No funny business with you, huh?" I shook my head. "Fine. I'll stop stalling." He let out a breath, "Do you want to go to homecoming with me?"

"What?" I stared at him, confused. "Do you like me?"

"Uh... Maybe?" I crossed my arms and tilted my head in wonder, "Okay I do. I've been working up the courage to talk to you again."

"Huh. Weird. My friends were doing the same thing like a week ago." I widen my eyes and covered my mouth.

"You like me too!" He pointed at me. I smacked his hand away as I felt my face heat up.

"...shut up..." I started walking away when he grabbed my hand. "What?"

"You didn't answer me yet..."

"Okay! I'll go with you. Now let me go, I'm shy." He pulled me into a hug, despite my squirming. Eventually I gave into the hug and laid my head on his chest.

"Okay, I'll get your number later! Bye cutie."

"Gah! Don't say that!" I said as I ran off to hide in the library before classes began.


This was fun to write. I just kind of went with it. Plus I wrote this all in one sitting which I rarely do. But yay! I hope you enjoyed something that wasn't day6 lmao. Bye guys

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