Jae (Day6)

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Hi, Hello everyone I'm posting 2 today because this is kinda seasonal. And I posted the Wei one because I posted that on amino today. So yeah. enjoy


The campus library was extremely barren tonight. I checked the time to see it was only 6pm, so I pulled my jacket tighter and continued reading. I originally came here to study but after about 2 hours, I grew bored and grabbed the book I had been dying to read.

It was lonely being one of the few students still on campus. Most people had traveled home for the holidays, excited to see their families. I opted out of that. I didn't want to spend the money on a ticket home and I didn't want to deal with the questions that were inevitable when I finally did go home. Most of those questions surrounded boys and when I would get me one. They act like boyfriends are things you buy at the mall. I sighed and focused back on my book.

A little over an hour later, I was heading out of the library. I needed to get something to eat but I wasn't looking forward to eating alone in public. I spotted a local pizzeria and figured it was worth feeling a little awkward. Anything for pizza, my one true love.

I ordered a medium pepperoni pizza and sat at the booth in the corner. While I was waiting, someone else also entered the restaurant. He had on a beanie and golden circle glasses. I turned away before he could catch me staring, right when my pizza came.

I pulled a slice onto my plate, trying to not burn my fingers or make a mess. As I went to take a bite, the guy from before sat right in front of me and smiled.

"Why dirty two tables? I'm Jae."

I did a little two finger salute, "I'm Y/n." He nodded as I ate my pizza. It was awkward eating in front of someone who didn't have their food yet but I was too hungry to care.


"Why didn't you go home for the holidays?" I asked.

"Oh... it costs too much to fly home." I nodded, "What about you?"

"Same here. And my family drives me absolutely crazy so I'm trying to avoid that." He laughed and the waiter set down his food. We sat in a comfortable silence eating our food. There was music playing in the background but it kept getting changed from Christmas music to pop to rock and back again.

"They really can't agree on a genre, can they?" We laughed as it went from "All I want for Christmas" to "Hanvana".

"It's like a weird club remix." I waved down the waiter and asked for a box. He tossed two and then went to the back where "Bohemian Rhapsody" started playing. I shook my head as I put the remaining pieces of pizza in the box and took a sip of my soda.

"Don't leave me with this weird music!" Jae leaned closer and whispered, "I'm scared."

I rolled my eyes and laughed, "Hurry up then. This music is driving me crazy." He nodded in agreement and quickly finished his slice, dropping the leftovers in the box. We both paid for our food and ran out the restaurant.

"Well that was an experience. Next time I'll just order." We laughed and started walking back to campus. It started to snow heavier and snowflakes dusted our hair.

"You have snowflakes on your glasses." He shrugged and handed me my box.

"I'll see you later!" He yelled and ran off to one of the buildings.

I sighed, was I weird? He ran away so fast, I couldn't even ask for his number. I made my way back to my dorm, kicking the snow as I walked. Once I was in my room, I kicked off my shoes and opened the box to see how many slices I had left over.

However upon opening the box, I saw a note stuck to the top that read "You looked really cute in the window and even cuter face to face - Jae" and underneath was his number. I pulled the note off and put the pizza in the fridge.

I pulled up my phone and texted his number with a picture of the note with the caption "You're lame. You're lucky I also think you're cute".

Maybe not going home for Christmas was a better idea than I originally thought.


see ya later

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