Jae (Day6)

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Listen I'm in a writing club on day6 amino, so I write a lot of day6.

This was created because of a writing prompt for February. So yeah. Here's what I came up with.

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Pulling at my shirt, I walk into the pizza shop and look around for a certain someone. I scanned over everyone, trying to find where she was sat. I finally spotted the back of her head and slowly approached her, the butterflies slowly growing with each step. Once I was right behind her, I leaned over and looked at what she was doing. "You should follow my Twitter."

She jumped and almost hit me as I quickly backed away, a small grin on my face. "Jae, why do you always do that?" She whined, clutching her heart. I laughed and sat across from her.

"Because it's funny and," You're cute, "you really should follow my Twitter. It's a great time investment."

She snorted, "You once tweeted, and I quote 'Welcome to Jae's garden. I do not grow weak plants.' Why should I still follow you?"

I laughed, "Because it's amazing. And you're my friend so kinda half to." She wrinkled her nose in displeasure and I felt my heart melting even more, the butterflies fluttering about in my stomach.

"Whatever, I'll think about it." She locked her phone and set it face down on the table, "I'm hungry and you kept me waiting so you can pay this time. Plus I paid for our food last time we hung out."

She leaned back with her arms crossed and I nodded, subtly admiring her features. I sighed internally, wishing I could just confess my feelings to her already. But I'm too much of a, and I hate calling myself this, chicken. "I'll go order." I stand up and walk to the counter, ordering a large pizza for here. I had memorized what she liked on her pizza after eating with her so often so, I had them spilt the toppings, half of what I wanted and half of what she wanted. I handed over the money and made my way back to our table.

"Oh yeah, I wanted to ask you something." I plopped back in my seat and motioned for her to continue. "You said that there was someone you wanted to ask out, so did you ask them out yet?"

"I told you that?" She nodded and I groaned in my head, "No I haven't yet."

"Oh come on! You should, I'm sure she'll say yes!" She smiled, completely unaware of who was in my heart. It sucked that she didn't know but I was scared I would ruin my friendship if she knew.

"You don't even know who it is, why do you sound so confident?" I crossed my arms and looked at her skeptically.

She smirked and cocked her head to the side, "How do you know I don't know?" I felt my heart pick up pace as she stared at me. Does she know I have a crush on her? I felt the panic start to set in as our pizza was set in the middle of our table. She instantly picked a piece from her side and dug in as I sat frozen. Did I make my crush on her that obvious? Or was she just really good at reading me? She snorted and I looked up, "Stop thinking and eat already."

"Right." I picked up a slice of pizza and quickly we were finishing slices and picking up new ones. It wasn't long before we were finishing our pizza and heading out of the store.

There was a lot running through my head as we walked around town. She kept looking at me and laughing to herself, probably loving how confused I was. I was lost in my thoughts when I felt a tug on my arm. "I need to get some stuff." Her hand found it's way to mine and she grabbed it, pulling me into the store. My heart skipped a beat but I tried to keep myself calm.

Which was not easy considering she wouLDN'T LET GO OF MY HAND. I THINK IM GOING TO HAVE A HEART ATTACK. To make it worse, she interlocked our fingers and looked like she knew what she was doing. I was a mess the entire time as she looked around the store.

Finally, she was done shopping and went up to check out. My heart was finally going back to normal and I started thinking about how her hand was so soft and somehow fit so perfectly in my hand. It was as if her hand was made to be held in my hand. "You two make a very cute couple."

I whipped my head to the cashier who was an older lady and started stuttering, "Thank you! He's kind of an idiot but at least he's cute." She laughed as I stared at her, completely shocked at what she just said.

Did she... Did she just call me... cute? I already knew my cheeks were a fiery red from the way she laughed after pulling me out of the store and looking at my face. We walked to a nearby park but it felt like I was barely there. I was over the moon, completely overjoyed just by her calling me cute.

We sat down at a bench in the park and I finally was brought back to Earth when she let go of my hand to reach into her bag. "Are you still there or is your soul still back in that store? I can go get it if you want." She laughed, turning herself to face me.

"I'm still so confused. Was I that obvious?" She smiled and shook her head, "Then how did you find out?" It was the question that had been running through my mind all day.

"I'll tell you if you do it again. But it was really obvious then." I huffed and crossed my arms, "Oh, you're getting pouty now?"

"...no..." I mumbled. "Maybe." She laughed and shook her head. She pulled out her phone and started scrolling through something so I did the same. I decided to look up my name on Twitter and find a funny tweet from a fan. When I found a tweet, I quoted it, added to it and sent it out.

"Why are you such a loser, oh my god." I heard from my side and saw she had open my Twitter page.

"You followed me?" She nodded, laughing as she scrolled through the replies. "Good." I smiled.

We sat there for a while when I started thinking about snacks. Specifically about something sweet. I stood up and she looked over at me, "Where are you going?" I shrugged and shoved one hand in my pocket, holding the other one out for her to take. "Oh wow, how bold." She picked up her bag and took hold of my hand, sending my heart into a small frenzy.

We made our way to a convenience store and I started to look for something to satisfy my sweet tooth. "Do you want anything?" I asked as we slowly made our way around the store. She shook her head so I picked up a bag of orange flavored hard candies and checked out.

We started walking around town and I opened the bag and picked out two candies. I popped one in my mouth and looked to my side. "What?" She smiled. I handed over the piece of candy and she popped it in her mouth, "That's how I knew you liked me. You shared your food with me."

I snorted, "Really?"

She nodded with a laugh, "I was so shocked! You never share food! I instantly knew you liked me a little and then I started to notice really small things that you do around me. It's really cute."

"Huh." I squeezed her hand and turned to her, "Well I guess I should ask that girl out now."

"You sure?" She laughed lightly, running her hand through her hair.

"You're so pretty." I saw a blush creep onto her cheeks and I grinned, "Will you go out with me?" She nodded and I hugged her quickly.

"You're so lame." She laughed, her voice muffled by my jacket.

She pulled away and smiled up at me,  "I am lame. And you like it." She rolled her eyes as I pulled her into another hug, feeling another wave of butterflies take flight in my stomach.

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I never even gave the person a name, that was fun. I debated between using a name or using "y/n" but then I just decided to just not. Idk why really but it was interesting as nearing the end I had to avoided it a bit more but it was pretty easy. I mean you don't usually say someone's name to them when it's just you two talking and stuff. Idk hope you enjoyed this.

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