Kuhn (UP10TION)

496 15 0

This was for a writing club thing woooo

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Today was hectic for everyone. It was the first day of the US tour and we were all on edge, not sure if the show would go well. I was talking to Jinhoo a lot throughout the day, making sure we were both on the same page and were prepared for whatever may happen.

The small fansign we did before the show calmed everyone's nerves. All the fans were very kind to us and were very excited that we were here to perform for them. By the time it was over, we all had smiles on our faces and our hearts felt very warm.

"Wah, US fans are so nice! I wasn't sure how this would work with the language barrier but that was a lot of fun!" Gyujin laughed as we were walking back to our dressing room, where we would be staying before the concert started.

Wooshin looked especially happy, which made sense considering a lot of the fans were very happy to see him with the group again and gave him lots of love throughout the fansign. "I'm surprised that they cared so much, it warmed my heart." He smiled shyly and I patted his back as we entered the room.

"Of course they cared, everyone loves you Wooshin." Kogyeol laughed and pulled Wooshin into a hug.

Wooshin pushed Kogyeol away with a laugh, "You guys are lame, stop."

"Okay guys, let's all get together." Jinhoo said, huddling everyone into a circle. "Today is our first show and I know everyone is super nervous. But we've all done these dances before, you all know them very well."

I clapped my hands together and smiled at everyone, "I'm excited to hear all the fans tonight and I'm sure you all are too! Come on, let's pile our hands together." Everyone stacked their hands on each other, saying their names in age order, starting with Jinhoo and ending with Xiao. "C-C-C-CROSS!" (I took this from their Candy Land making film video okay) We all yelled and went on to get our makeup touched up and to get mic'd up for the concert.

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The show was going well and we were between songs, talking to the fans."Are you all having a good time?" Wei yelled out to the fans as we all smiled out to them, some members grabbed water bottles and others patting away their sweat.

The crowd screamed back yes at us and we laughed, "We are happy to be here with you all tonight!" Jinhoo spoke and I nodded, looking out into the crowd and at all the fans. I tuned out what everyone was saying, too busy reading different signs that the fans had made. By the time I had started paying attention to everyone's words again, we were getting into position to start our next song.

"Attention, I got something I want to say. Alright? 1, 2, 3, 4" The dance was going smoothly, everyone fell into step nicely and I didn't notice anyone mess the choreography up.

But that didn't last long. The stage had seemed a little slippery when we were in rehearsal earlier that day and we had told our manager about it. They said they would check in with the other people and make sure that it wouldn't be a problem during the actual show.

But once we were on stage dancing, I quickly noticed the subtle slip the floor had. It didn't affect anyone too much in the first half of the show but knowing that there was some sliding in Attention, I was worried for my fellow members.

Everyone was sliding around a bit but once it came to Wooshin's part, they started slipping more intensely and looked a bit scared. Everyone safely got through the fan kicks and were on their feet again but they were still cautious when it came to the other parts of the dance. They made the moves much smaller than usual, trying to stabilize themselves and limit their risk for injury.

Once the fan kick section came back is when people started to actually fall. I don't think we were aware that the floor was progressively getting worse as we danced on it longer. Jinhoo and Kogyeol were the first to fall but they didn't fall too hard, just landing on their butts but nothing too painful. Hwanhee slipped as I was kicking so I ended up hitting him in the head and was wiped out by him flailing around, trying to catch himself. Sunyoul ended up sliding a bit too far, falling to his back and Xiao followed him, doing the same thing.

The four members in the back of the lines didn't end up kicking after seeing everyone fall but Wooshin still ended up falling since Xiao accidently tripped him as he slid on the stage. Wei and Gyujin were laughing at the mess of everyone all on the floor as Bitto ran to help me up so I could help the other members and he could start his part in the song.

Bitto rapped his part well, improvising and running around the stage trying to make the fans laugh as we all got back onto our feet. Wei, however, laughed as he tried to rap, way too amused by our struggle to get everyone back on their feet.

Hwanhee was quick to sing his part, running around with Bitto on the stage and acting silly for the fans. Sunyoul was still on the floor, laughing as he tried to sing his line. I helped him up and now it was time for me to do my part.

I started jumping around with the other members as I rapped, no one really thinking of the choreo anymore. "Say A-yo" We all were doing my part at this point and the fans were joining in on the commotion, shouting back A-yo very loudly.

"Only pay attention to me", Wooshin sang and we all did the final pose before erupting in laughter.

"Wah, the stage is really slippery tonight. Is everyone okay?" I asked the members, who all nodded yes, and looked at the audience, "I hope you all found that funny! We're all okay so don't worry about us!"

"Now for our next song..." Jinhoo started as he smiled at the audience and the group, making sure all the members were actually fine. And they all were, just a little sore in some places. But we all know that this little accident could have been much worse for all of us.

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okay byee

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