Wooshin (Up10tion)

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Credit to dailyau over on tumblr for the idea for this one shot.

I'm writing Wooshin first because I think this idea works better for him. But Bitto will be next since they tied in my poll on Amino.


"I bet you can't win that game!" Xiao teased Wooshin with a laugh. Wooshin looked towards the booth and made his way over with Xiao to see what it was all about.

"Hi." I said, bored. This was a summer job my parents made me get to get me out of the house. I looked up to see two boys, one laughing too much and the other rather focused. "So are you both gonna play or what?"

"Hi! He's gonna try and win that big teddy bear for me!" Xiao sat on the edge of the booth.

I straddled the edge of the booth and looked at the two boys. "Why? Is it your birthday or is this your boyfriend?" I pulled the bucket of baseballs out from under the board I was sat on.

The one boy snorted, "No and no. I'm gonna win that teddy bear just to prove I can. Whether he gets it or not is up to me." I laughed and shook my head.

"Okay. Three dollars for 3 balls. You need to knock down all of the pins with one ball in order to get the bear." He handed over three one dollar bills and I gave him three balls, "good luck."

He missed the first and second time. The third shot knocked off one pin. "Hyung that was lame." The boy next to me pouted.

"So sad. Wanna try again?" I got up to reset the pins and he pulled out another three dollars. "Woo!" I handed three more balls to him and sat back on the board.

"Okay I think I've got it." He focused in on the pins and knocked over one pin after another.

"Well. You don't get the big bear but you knocked them all down." I picked up the balls from the ground and placed them back in the bucket.

"I give up. Have a nice night!" I waved as they walked away and sat on the edge of the board and played on my phone.


"Hi uh..." I looked up to see the boys from a half hour ago back at my booth.

"Y/n. I see you two are back."

"Hyung was mad that he couldn't win this one." I nodded my head.

"If I'm being honest, it's really hard to win. It's pretty rigged." He pouted and I laughed. "Don't pout cutie. What are your guys' names?"

"I'm Xiao and that's Wooshin."

"Hi. Here's three dollars." I laughed and handed him the balls.

"Okay. Aim for the left bottom pin. If you get that one the other two should fall." I moved back a bit and stood by Xiao. "Is he always this stubborn?"

"Yes." He missed each time and sighed. "Come on Hyung. It doesn't matter."

"Bye guys." I waved as Xiao pulled away a pouty Wooshin.


"So you're back. Listen man I'll give you the bear if you want. No one cares." He kept coming back for the past 2 hours. "You're literally the only person who has tried this game."

"I don't care about the bear anymore." I cocked my head to the side and laughed.

"Then why do you keep coming back?"

"You're really pretty." I felt my cheeks warm up and I got up.

"Uh thanks." I climbed over to grab the bear off the wall and carried it over to him. "Here take it."

He grabbed the bear and gave me a puzzled look, "Was that weird?"

"No just funny." I laughed, "Think of the bear as a 'stop being creepy and ask for my number' cutie." I said with a smirk playing on my lips.

"Oh well uh," he rubbed the back of his neck and I laughed.

"Give me your phone." He pulled out of his pocket, unlocked it, and gave it to me. I added my contact under 'that cute girl running the booth' and sent myself a text so I could have his number. "There."

I started to pack up the booth while Wooshin stood there. "Are you heading home now?" I grabbed my stuff and hopped out of the booth, nodding.

"I'll probably grab something to eat." I pulled down the metal panel and locked up the booth.

We started walking over to the parking lot, "Want to get pizza?" I looked over at him with a small smile.

"Sure sounds like fun." We stopped at my car and I turned to face him. "Uh, what about your friend?"

"Oh Xiao? He left with our other friends." I gave him a look and laughed.

"Okay. You can put the bear in the backseat." I unlocked my car and decided that the local pizzeria seemed like a good place to go. After throwing the bear in, Wooshin sat in the passenger seat. "Ready?" He nodded and I pulled out.


"Appa, take my picture!" Eunmi yelled. I laughed and pulled her into my lap. I sat where she was and grinned when Wooshin came in.

"You still have this thing?" He laughed as he pulled up his phone to take a picture.

"Yeah. I think it's cute." I held Eunmi still, "smile sweetie." We had a mini photo shoot, full of giggles and aeygo.

"Appa, did you win this for Omma?"

"No, Omma gave it to Appa because she thought I was cute."

I stood up and walked over to Wooshin and kissed his cheek. "And I still do."

"Cute." Eunmi giggled.


I hope you liked this. Wooshin is one of my favorites in Up10tion. He's evil like me. Byee~~

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