Jackson (GOT7) BEGA Edition

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I know what you're thinking, "didn't you recently do a Jackson one shot why are you doing another?" Well Jackson happens to be my friend's ultimate bias and it's her birthday so I'm writing this for her. This won't be like most of my one shots since I'll be using her name instead of y/n but you can still replace the name of you want. I hope you all enjoy all the fluff that is about to smack you in the face. (BEGA based. All names of the girls in the story run the community. Andrea and Victoria are leaders and Khun and Emily (yes me) are curators.

Happy Birthday Khun ^^


"Khun!" Victoria yelled. My head snapped over to see my three friends, Andrea, Emily, and Victoria, waving in my direction. I quickly ran over to meet them.

"Hey guys." I sat down at the table they were at. We all decided to meet up to discuss BEGA and the upcoming GOT7 fanmeeting.

"Hi." They hummed together. Emily laughed and mumbled weird under her breath.

"Okay. GOT7 fanmeeting. When are we getting in line to wait? I want to be close to the stage so I can see my future husband clearly." Victoria sighed.

"Well, the fanmeeting starts at 7. We could head to the venue at 5 and someone can get food for everyone while we sit there." Andrea said.

"I'll get food for us. I hate sitting in one place for a long time." I said. I grabbed my phone and opened Amino.

"Guys these people are messaging me in a group chat on Amino. They are trying to convince me that they're GOT7." Emily laughed. "So the one who claims to be Mark said that they can't take a video because BamBam won't put on pants."

"What even?" Victoria laughed along with Andrea and I. "That's so weird. Next you'll have someone messaging you claiming to be Baekhyun or Jungkook."

"I would die." Emily placed a hand on her forehead in a dramatic way and pretended to die.

"Guys do we need to get a new curator now?" Andrea sighed but laughed right after. Emily stuck her tongue out and laughed.

"Anyways I'm so excited for this concert. GOT7 is always so pumped for fanmeetings. And I get to see Jackson up close." I sighed. "What if we get to go up on stage! That would be so cool. And terrifying. But so cool."

"Mostly terrifying." Andrea laughed.

"Being on stage isn't that bad." Emily shrugged.

"Says the girl who doesn't get stage fright because she's been on it so much." Victoria rolled her eyes with a smile.

"So those guys added us into the chat." I said. "Okay so they're making a video to prove to you that they're GOT7."

"I vote Emily has to watch it first." I laughed.

"Why do you hate me?" She sighed and opened the video. Her eyes nearly fell out of her head as she shoved her phone to the middle of the table. "You have got to be kidding me..."

"Hi Khun!" Jackson yelled from the phone, "from what I understand I'm your ultimate bias?"

"So that means I'm Victoria's?" Mark smiled and waved at the phone.

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