Day6 (Why you broke up)

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I've done this with BTS and that was a lot of fun to write. Very different from everything else I do. So yeah. Similarly to the bts one, each situation is a bit different. More fun to write and easier to write (plus makes more sense that way lol). I hope you enjoy this! (Also I hope these don't sound the same as the bts ones, I tried to keep them different)(Also some are longer than others whoops)

*don't get too sad please*



You broke up because he was always messing with you. You could take some teasing here and there, that's how you grew close to Jae in the beginning. But it got to a point where you were unsure when he was teasing you and when he was being serious. Which grew frustrating after a while but you stayed because you knew that you loved him. But oh was he getting annoying. After the countless times of him calling you by a nickname that you absolute despise, despite being completely aware of why you hated it so much, and picking at some of your less obvious insecurities, you broke. One night, you sat on your bed and thought about your relationship. And before you knew it, you were crying. And it wasn't just a couple tears, you were a complete mess. The build up of emotion from your relationship and your work finally released itself in the form of crying. And so, wiping away the tears that didn't seem to want to stop falling, you threw on a hoodie and sneakers and ran to Jae's apartment. You knocked on the door, tears still managing to fall down your face. You were met with Sungjin who quickly step aside with a confused look on his face. You searched for Jae who was on the couch and stood up once he saw your tear stained face. You held up a hand and looked to the ground, "Let's break up." Your words coming out with a tremble to them. You didn't want to do this but you had to. You couldn't take this any longer. He went to say something but you just shook your head and ran out the door.  Sungjin quietly shut the door behind you as everyone looked to Jae. They all heard what just happened, they saw your face. And they wanted an explanation because they were determined to fix this mess. They did not want to see either of you unhappy since they saw how happy you made each other. "Explain. Now." Sungjin said as they all stared a very upset Jae down.

" Sungjin said as they all stared a very upset Jae down

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He complained to you about how you lived your life. Whether it was you procrastinating work or not cleaning up after yourself, he complained about it. You admit that you may not be the most organized or cleanly person. But you never left things out too long and sometimes it was apart of your creative process. Which was sometimes ruined by him picking things up for you. And sure you appreciate his help but his constant nagging at you was getting on your nerves. He was always asking about whether or not you had finished your projects for school yet, prodding you to get everything done early. And it was fine for awhile but it slowly drove you insane. It caused tension to form between you two because whenever he started to nag at you, you started to mock him. Which would quickly turn into a small fight that ended quickly. But as time went on, those fights lasted longer and longer. Until today, which was the final straw for you. He was in your apartment, nagging you about the essay you had to turn in next month and how messy the apartment was when you snapped. You grabbed him by the neck of his shirt and dragged him to the door. You opened it and shoved him out, throwing his shoes into the hall. "If you don't like the way I do things, then I want to break up with you." You yelled. He stared at you as you slammed the door shut in his face, locking him out. He slipped on his shoes slowly, trying to figure out what he could do to make it up to you. Losing you would hurt too much. It would be like losing a part of himself.

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