Jae (Day6)

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It's been a while, did anyone notice my absence? probably not. anyways, here's a long Jae one shot that I didn't intend to make this long but whoops. enjoy~

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I remembered that night like it was yesterday. It had been a quiet day, nothing too spectacular happened until late in the evening.

I was working in a café that night, one of the many part-time jobs I had acquired for the summer. The door to the café chimed and a couple walked in. I glanced at the clock and sighed, an hour left before closing time. So much time before I would be home and could finally relax after this long day.

I shifted my focus back to the couple in front of me and smiled as they examined the menu behind me. When one finally looked down, I picked up my spirit and turned into a proper employee. "Hello, how can I help you?"

The girl finally peeled her eyes off the board and smiled, "Can I have an Iced Americano?"

I nodded, hitting the proper buttons before looking up again, "And for you?"

"Just a strawberry smoothie for me." I nodded again, looking behind me to find someone else already completing their orders.

"That'll be 10,000 won." He handed me the money for both drinks and stepped aside to wait for them.

I watched the two for a moment, their body language sending off two very different signals. His seemed so loving and open while her's was telling me she didn't care about him and was closing herself off. And he was clearly unaware of all of this.

Please don't do this here. Please, I do not want to be a witness to this.

Their drinks were handed to them and they walked off to a booth, far enough away where a hushed conversation would not be heard by us. I glanced over at my coworker who still had her eyes trained on the couple, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"That someone may need a few more napkins soon?" I nodded and glanced over at the couple, worry already setting in.

"I hope he'll be okay," I mumbled before turning away from the counter. I started wiping things down, trying to distract myself from whatever was happening behind me.

It wasn't long before I heard a small chime again as a cold breeze drifted through the shop. I looked over my right shoulder and saw the guy from before with his head hung low but otherwise not moving.

A small tap on my left shoulder startled me as I snapped my head around, "Do you think we should say something?"

I shook my head, "I don't think he would want to talk to two strangers." I turned around fully and looked at him, "But I don't think it would hurt if we gave him something for free."

We fussed over what to give him, not knowing if he was more into cakes or tarts, before settling on the last slice of the crepe cake. We had both been eyeing it all day but figured he would appreciate it more. "Yuna, you go over and give it to him."

I stared at her for a moment before groaning softly, "Why can't you give it to him, Mirae?"

She shrugged, "I just don't want to and you're better with sad people." She pushed me forward and handed the plate to me, "Bye."

I let out a quiet sigh as I slowly approached his table. He didn't move when I got closer so I quietly set down the cake, "It's on the house." I mumbled, quick to back away so I wouldn't make him uncomfortable.

"I just can't catch a break, can I?" His voice sounded broken and weak, making my heart go weak for him.

I looked down at him, his head still hung low but now his interest was on the cake and not just the table. "Why do you say that?"

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