Wonpil (Day6)

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I don't have much to say other than 1) threw in the cover I made for amino because it took a lot of effort and 2) I hope you enjoy this!

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The summer before college was supposed to be fun. I no longer had any reason to hold back from doing whatever I wanted. I would be gone by August and would probably never come back, so the social repercussions of acting like an idiot didn't really phase me.

But the act of catching feelings is never a good idea. Especially during the summer before moving somewhere far away.

Neither is letting your friends drag you to parties you would have never attended before. I knew this wasn't a great idea, parties weren't really my thing. But when your friends know that you've already decided to do things out of your norm for the summer, you really have no way to escape. So really, coming to this party was entirely my fault.

After being already being dragged to two parties, I figured out a pretty easy way to get out of the house with little to no fuss. So at the third party they took me to, I managed to escape to the backyard pretty quickly. There was a stone path that lead away from the house so I quietly followed it, making sure I wasn't being followed. At the end of the path was a small bench swing hidden from the main house and all the people around it.

Well, most of the people at least. "Hey, it's Wonpil right?"

"That's the name. And you're Eunmi." I nodded and looked at the space next to him, "Feel free to sit."


I never really got a chance to talk to Wonpil even though we had shared a lot of the same classes. We were always busy hanging out with our separate friend groups so it never lined up. Although, he was always someone in the corner of my mind that I was curious about.

I shook my head slightly and let out a loud sigh, collapsing against the seat. I twisted my neck and looked at Wonpil. He was sat back as well although his posture was a bit stiffer than mine and his eyes were sealed shut. "So why aren't you in the house?"

Wonpil slightly opened his eyes to look at me, "I needed some space from all the people. It's so loud in there, I could barely even hear myself think."

I nodded to myself, "That makes sense."

Wonpil shifted in his seat, "What about you? I never really thought I would see you at any of these parties. Doesn't really seem like your thing."

I groaned, "My friends have been dragging me to these parties. I can't get out of them since I'll be leaving soon and that's a whole thing but I can only blame myself. Apparently, I just have to experience all of this." I waved my hands around before letting them fall back down to my sides. "I would much rather be home right now."

"They just want to spend time with you."

I laughed, "No, they just want to make sure someone can get them home safely. I'm fine with that though."

"I guess we're in the same boat then."

We both looked behind us when we heard a twig snap. We sat, frozen and scared, as we waited to see what was approaching us. I leaned over to Wonpil and mumbled, "I think we should run unless we want to be voyeurists."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me with him as we ran away. The minute we were a safe distance away, I started laughing.

"Why are you laughing? That could've been so bad!"

I pointed at his face, now practically in tears, "You got so red!"

"It's a natural response!"

"You're very innocent aren't you, Wonpil?"

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