Young K (Day6)

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Okay so this is something I wrote for a challenge on day6 amino. I'm posting it here because well I can and it let's me be lazy (and share with more people lol). Anyways the whole concept for this challenge was to use a song from everyday6 and make something whether that be a drawing, an edit, or in this case an imagine. So yeah, my favorite song is probably I'm Serious and it works well for a story. So with that settled, I hope you enjoy this story.


Pulling a loose cardigan on over my sundress, I run out the door with bag in hand as I see my bus drive by. I start running faster for the bus stop, hoping that today I'm extremely lucky and won't be left behind. I make it to the stop just as the doors close and I just plead with the driver with my eyes. She laughs lightly and lets me on the bus, shaking her head as I make my way to my usual seat.

"You are so lucky she likes you. Last time Jae did that, she didn't even look at him and drove away. He had to walk to school that day and he was so grumpy." I laugh as I let myself catch my breath. "Did you eat breakfast?"

I looked at Brian and shook my head, "Didn't have time, as you can see." I looked down at my feet and noticed that I didn't even manage to get my feet all the way in the shoe.

"Here." He handed me a granola bar as I tried to fix my shoes. "So what happened this morning?"

I bit into the granola bar and shrugged, "I over slept." He nudged my shoulder lightly and I sighed, "I didn't finish the essay that's due today so I was doing that."


"I finished it this morning, I promise. I just really hated the subject." I huffed and laid my head on his arm.

"What did you have to write about?"

"I had to write an argumentative essay about whether this character's choice was logical and why or why not. It was stupidly long because the answer was so obvious." I shook my head and took in a deep breath. "But I'll never have to deal with this character or book ever again after this."

"You really hate that class, don't you?" Brian laughed as he played with his hands.

"Of course I do! The teacher sucks, they make the class so boring just with their voice. They pick the worst books for us to read and then they just sit in the back of the classroom, doing literally nothing. Like why am I taking this class? I could do this on my own, this is a waste of my time and energy." (Definitely used one of my old teachers for this lol)

He patted my head and I looked up at him, lifting my head off his arm. "It'll be okay, you won't have that teacher next year." He poked my cheek as the bus came to a stop, "Come on, we gotta get going." I pulled my bag over my shoulders and made my way out the bus, Brian right behind me.

"I need to go to my locker first." He nodded and put his arm around my shoulder as we walked into the school.

"Brian! We need to talk to you!" Jae and Sungjin yelled out. I pushed Brian towards them as I set of to meet my other friends.

"I still don't understand how you think he doesn't like you." Sara laughs.

"And I still don't understand why you think he does."

"Oh come on. Don't you want him to like you? Why don't you just believe us?" Alice laughed as we walked down the hall to our lockers.

"I wouldn't be upset if he liked me," Sara nudged my shoulder, "but I don't want to think like that. What if you guys are wrong and then I make a fool of myself?"

Alice and Sara look at each other and sigh, "Fine, fine. I'll drop it. But this doesn't mean I think you're right!" I smile at them and start fumbling with my lock.

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