Young K (Day6)

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That last Sungjin thing broke me a little but I'm back with some young k fluff for you. Enjoy~

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"Is this what I get for trying to date? Should I just accept my fate and die alone?"

Younghyun's message sat on my lock screen as I searched my room for clothes to wear.

As I struggled to pull my pants over my hips, I heard another ding and waddled over to my phone. "Mia, what should I do?"

I picked up my phone and started typing, "It's a nice museum. You should go explore even if you're alone."

"But I don't want to, it's not fun by myself."

"Well, what am I supposed to do?"

He sent a selfie, "I'll be here until you get here."

I rolled my eyes, of course that's how he would respond. I can't even pretend to be surprised anymore, this is how most of his dates turn out. He should just ask me out at this point, at least I consistently show up.

I finished getting dressed and looked at the address he sent me earlier. It was a rule that we had to send the address of wherever our date was to the other person. It started with him wanting to protect me from guys with bad intentions and I just wanted to make it an equal deal. It really was a win-win situation.

Younghyun had a tendency to go on more date than I did. way more in fact. went on more dates than I did, way more in fact. I barely managed to talk to guys, let alone go on dates with them. So it turned into Younghyun's secondary plan for all his failed dates.

Like this one.

As the months passed, it seemed like more of his dates failed and I had to come to his rescue. Because he's a big baby and doesn't want to do things by himself.

And because of that, it became a habit to get dressed to go out whenever he had a date. It just ends up saving me a bit of time so I'm not frantically trying to find something appropriate to wear. And if by chance, this was not a date he needed me to come and save him, I can just go out by myself.

I checked the address again as I waved down a taxi, "Will you take me here?" He smiled kindly and nodded so I took my seat in the back. I kept my eyes outside the window and watched as everything flew past us.

If I had gotten myself into this situation with anyone else, I think I would've lost my mind by now and ended the friendship. But Younghyun had found a spot in my heart, somewhere deep inside that I couldn't just toss away. All because he was mildly annoying and I, for some reason, found it endearing.

Mildly annoying being the nice was to say he was a pain in the ass.

He did as he pleased, dragging me off to locations I had never heard of before because of a failed date. Really, I should hate the kid for making this a habit, but I just can't.

Maybe it's because I secretly wish for his dates to fail. And maybe that's because I kind of like him a lot and this way it feels like we're on a date. And maybe one day, I'll be the one he actually asks out.

Or maybe I'm simply delusional and need to move on knowing he'll never see me the way I want him to.

I paid for the taxi and thanked the driver before leaving the car. A couple got in after me and soon I was left staring at this massive building.

"Younghyun, you gave me the bare minimum. How the hell am I supposed to find you?" I stared at the selfie from earlier and groaned. It's like playing hide and seek except far more frustrating. I have a crush on an adult child, why do I like this guy again?

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