Chenle (NCT)

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Well this should be interesting. Yanno with me knowing nothing about nct (there's just too much happening with them for me to pay attention). But eh it's a cute thing so woo. This was requested by kookie_the_cookie (let's just say I was surprised when I saw someone requested something)(they requested a name but feel free to sub in your own name). Hope you enjoy! I didn't proofread so it there's something weird, there's your reasoning!


Today was like any other day. Jisung, Jaemin, and I were all playing video games together. I was winning at most of the games when I got a call from Khushi's mom.

"Chenle, I'd hate to be a bother but could you check up on Khushi? She hasn't been answering her phone today and she missed work." I was already standing up by the time she finished her sentence. "I just want to make sure she's okay."

"Sure thing! I'll head over there right now." I waved to Jaemin and Jisung, grabbing my jacket on the way out the door.

"Oh thank you sweetie. I really appreciate this. I would go see her myself but you're much closer."

"It's nothing. I'll call you back once I see her." We hung up and I made by way over to Khushi's house.

Knocking on the front door didn't get anyone's attention, neither did ringing the doorbell. Knowing that there was a hidden key, I opened the door and turned on the hallway light. I made my way down the hall quietly, checking each room for a sign of something, anything really.

When I finally got to Khushi's room I saw a dim glow under the door and crack it open, "Hello?"

Khushi's head popped up slowly from under the covers and she squinted her eyes at me, "Chenle?" She cleared her throat. "Why are you here?" She said hoarsely. 

"You're mom wanted me to check on you. She said you were answering her calls and you didn't go to work today." I looked around the room and then back at her, "Are you sick?"

"Oh..." She sneezed, "Maybe just a little." I sighed and sat on the side of her bed.

"You worry your mom so much..." I pulled out my phone to dial her mom when she grabbed my phone from my hands, "Yah!"

"Don't tell my mom. I don't want to make her come all the way out her to take care of me. I'll be fine. I'm just tired." I held out my hand for my phone and she cautiously handed it back.

"I'm gonna text your mom and tell her you're fine." She nodded and pulled the blanket up to her nose. I sent the message and looked over at Khushi, "I'm staying though. I can't stand to see you sick and all alone." 

"You really don't have to..." She started by was interrupted by a sneeze.

"I know I don't have to, I'm just that nice." I laughed and patted her head. I felt heat radiating off her forehead when my hand brushed pass it. "You're burning up."

"Chenle..." She pouted and sat up. "You should go back to the dorms, I'll be fine." I sighed and looked at her.

"What do you want to eat?" She sighed, "I'm not leaving you like this." I got up and reached my hand out for her.

"You're annoying..." She gave me her hand and I pulled her out of bed. I grabbed a throw blanket and wrapped it around her shoulders. I smiled at her and placed my hands on her shoulders, "Why are you so cute?"

I laughed, "Because I'm an idol." She stuck her tongue out. We walked to the kitchen and she sat on a bar stool. 

"Will you make me ramen?" I gave her a look, "I know it's not healthy but I really want it." 


"Please?" She whined with a pout. I laughed and nodded, pulling out a pot. "Yay!" She cheered and I rolled my eyes. I poured some water into the pot and set it on the stove to boil. 

I walked out of the kitchen to find her laptop and some medicine. I walked back to where Khushi was sat. I opened her laptop to find one of our recent performances open on it. "Glad to see you're a fan." I laughed and handed her the medicine, "For your fever." While getting her a glass of water

"Oh shut it." She quickly closed the tab and I opened up Viki. "And thanks."

"Pick something to watch. I'll watch whatever you want with you." She nodded and I went back to see the water was already boiling.

I dumped two packets of ramen into the water and let them cook. "I want to watch Strong Woman Do Bong Soon." I hummed in agreement as I stirred the noodles.

"You can start it now, I'll just listen." Khushi nodded and started episode one. After a couple more minutes, I pulled the ramen off the stove and added in the other packets. I pulled out two pairs of chopsticks and set them by Khushi. 

"We can just eat it out of the pot. Less stuff to clean afterwards." I nodded and grabbed a potholder to set under the pot. "Come sit." She pulled me to the stool next to her and we started watching the drama.


After the first episode, we had finished the ramen and had moved to the couch to watch the drama. We were four episodes in when I noticed Khushi starting to fall asleep."I think it's time for you to get back into bed." She nodded lazily and I shut her laptop. I stand up and pull Khushi up with me.

"Thank you for staying around today. I'm feeling a lot better." She mumbled.

I shrug as we walk into her room. I set her down on her bed and check her forehead, "You still have a bit of a fever." She sighed, "Lay down, I'll be right back." She complied and shuffled under the cover while I went to get a cold cloth and water to help bring down her fever.

Khushi coughed when I came back into her room and pouted, "I'll be fine Chenle. The medicine just needs some time." 

I hushed her as I sat on the edge of her bed, setting the bowl of water on her nightstand. "You won't be able to fall asleep if I don't do this." She pouted and I started patting her forehead gently with the cloth.

She closed her eyes and let out a little sigh, "This feels really nice..." She trailed off. I set the cloth on her neck for a minute. I took it off to put it back in the cold water, squeezing out all the water again, and repeating what I had just done. Eventually she fell asleep and her fever went down. I also ended up falling asleep on the edge of her bed, part of my body laying over her's.


I felt something poke at my cheek and I squinted to see Khushi smiling over at me. "You fell asleep. You looked uncomfortable." I sat up slowly and looked around. "And my leg fell asleep because of you." 

I laughed and looked around to try and figure out what time it was. I quickly gave up and looked to Khushi, "What time is it?"

"Around 1 in the morning." I laughed, "You can stay over." She said as she started to curl back up.

"Where should I sleep?" She patted the space next to her and I poked her cheek as I landed in that spot. "Sleepovers are fun. And my host is so cute."

"Your host will kick you out if you don't shush." She laughed and I grinned.

"Fine." I laughed and quickly got under the covers, "Good night cutie." I laughed and shut my eyes. I peeked to see Khushi glaring at me playfully so I poked her side, "Sleep." She huffed, mumbling something about me being annoying and making her blush while turning over. I hugged her to my chest with a small chuckle.

"You drive me insane."



Idk what that ending was but I hope you liked it anyways! I wanted to make it extra cute near the end so yanno. Hope you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Bye!! (Don't mind me posting at 3:30 in the morning)(what's wrong with me lmao)

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