Wei (UP10TION)

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so there are two baby stories in this part

both are connected but both are super short

so yeah, enjoy the little stories!

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Every day you came in with stripes either on your shirt, jacket, pants, shoes, socks, or something else. You stood out to me and I always wondered why you had such a strong love for the pattern.

I always looked at you from afar, too shy to go say hi and even when I built up the courage to do so, you were already running out the door.

Today was different, I decided to try something new. As you walked in the door, I immediately stood up to say hi. I think I may have startled you a bit but you were quick to rebound and become friendly and chatty. I invited you to sit with me and we quickly got past simple introductions, the awkwardness of a new relationship disappearing fast.

I didn't realize but we had ended up talking for hours, neither of us seemingly in any rush to leave and get on with our day. I laughed and startled you again, apparently too lost in my thoughts to realize what I did again.

"You sure are a jumpy one."

You stuck your tongue out at me as you slouched back into your chair.

"I always wondered something, do you mind if I ask?" You shook your head and motioned for me to go on. "You always have stripes on you, why?"

You smiled and looked down at your shirt which was covered in black and white vertical stripes. "Stripes are... nice. They add a nice contrasting pattern to anything without being overwhelming."

I looked at you, questioning if that was really all there was to it. You sighed, "Fine fine Wei, I'll explain it better. Someone close to me always wore stripes, they said it was their lucky charm. And when they passed... the last thing they told me was they were giving me their lucky charm and to take stripes wherever I went." You cleared your throat and looked down at the ground before looking back up at me with watery eyes. "I promised them I would so I always remember to at least have something."

I looked at you for a moment before speaking, "That's really sweet of you. I don't know if I would be able to do that for someone..."

You laughed, too choked up to say anymore. We exchanged phone numbers and left, each of us going our separate ways for the time being. Both of us, however, were grateful to have a new friend.

And maybe next time I can tell you about the thing I always have on me...

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story break

time skip

all that fun stuff

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"Okay, I think it's time." I looked up at you and you grinned at me, "The yellow bracelet." My eyes went wide as you spoke, "Oh, don't act surprised that I noticed. We've been hanging out like every day. Of course, I would notice at some point."

I laughed and looked at you, "Okay fair enough."

You sat forward and leaned your head against your hand, "I'm so interested now, am I gonna fall soft-hearted for this story?"

I laughed awkwardly, "It'll probably make you laugh if anything."

You grinned and nodded, "I will definitely. Now tell me." You laughed.

I let out a breathy chuckle, "Okay, okay." I looked at the bracelet on my hand and grinned sheepishly, "It's.. out of spite of another person. Or well I guess, people."

You laughed, "My reason was so sappy and your's is spiteful. We truly are an interesting match, so different and yet so similar."

I laughed, "Listen, it just kind of happened okay?" You nodded, "So my family is great and I love them a lot."

You nodded, "But..."

"But... They can be really annoying with their opinions and on what I should and shouldn't wear." I held up my wrist with the yellow bracelet on it, "This was one of those things. It's really simple, kind of dumb really..." I trailed off, looking over to see if you were still interested in my silly story.

You shook your head, "No, no! Tell me the exact reason. I must know now."

I shook my head and laughed again, "They just... I wore this really bright yellow shirt and I really liked it. Mind you, this was maybe 5 or 6 years ago so I was younger and this stuff hurt me more. I came out and they all started making fun of me and saying how it looked terrible on me."

You groaned, "That's so mean! Why would they do that!"

I nodded, "It was. But I was quite a spiteful kid and I guess after that I decided that bright yellow was going to be my thing. And eventually, that turned into just wearing this bracelet." I thought for a moment, "I guess it's a symbol of me sticking to who I am."

You smiled, "That's really cool. I mean, you didn't change yourself even after people were teasing you! That's not something everyone can do."

I grinned and rubbed at the back of my neck, "I like yellow, it's a fun color. I'm not gonna let my family messing with me change that." I let out a loud laugh, "Every time we see each other, they point it out and tease me about it. But they're nicer now, so it's funny."

You smiled at me, "Well I'm glad they are. I'd have to do something if they were still being mean."

I shook my head, "That would've been interesting to see." I looked around and smiled back down at you, "Now what do you want to go do?"

You hummed as you thought about my question. "We could go for a walk by the river." I grinned and nodded.

"Let's go!" I laughed as I stood up.

You rolled your eyes as you slowly stood up, "You're such a dork."

I grinned and shrugged, waiting for you to catch up with me. You let out a small laugh randomly and I looked over at you, "What?"

You shook your head, "I just thought, we should combine our little things sometime. Yellow stripes sound cute."

I nodded, "It does sound cute, doesn't it?"

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these were created for a prompt challenge i've been doing, the first word being stripes and the second word being yellow

i hope you enjoyed this! byee

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