Sungjin (Day6)

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Helloooo, so I wrote a bunch of one shots for day6. 5 to be exact, so I could post them leading up to the new year. I really like the day6 amino, hence why I've been writing a lot of day6 stuff. Anyways, I may just post 2-3 now because they are holiday related and then same the others for later, when I have other groups in between.Or I could post them when I post them on amino. If no one says anything, ill do the saving thing. but anyways, hope you like this.


Being home for the holidays usually means being lazy, visiting places you used to hang out at, and eating lots of food. If only that was true for my family.

Mom loves going all out with the decorations for Christmas. This meaning multiple fake trees and a real tree, plus lights all around the house and other light up decorations in the yard. And that's nothing compared to what goes on inside the house. Every time you turn, you are being stared at by either a Santa, a snowman, or a reindeer. However she hates having the decorations up for too long after Christmas and puts everyone to work to get everything down before new years. Which is great in principle but it is so tiring.

So I typically opt for taking down the decorations outside. It gives me space from everyone else and it's a lot less effort. Dad knows but he lets me get away with it anyways.

"I'll be outside!" I yelled as I pulled my zipper up and stepped into the cold. We lived in a nice neighborhood, all the houses were relatively close together. But they all had their own style to them, giving the neighborhood a very warm vibe. I grabbed the ladder out from the garage as our neighbor's son pulled into his driveway.

Sungjin parked the car and waved at me as I propped the ladder up by the house. I nodded in his direction and started the climb to take down the lights.

"Need some help?" I looked down to see Sungjin standing by the ladder with a smile on his face.

"Not really but I could make you useful." He laughed and I started unhooking the lights. "How has your year been? I haven't seen you in forever!" Sungjin was a year older than me but we hung out all the time during school. I definitely had a huge crush on him but he went off to college before I decided to do anything about it. And I probably wouldn't have if he stayed anyways.

"It was a good year. I finally got a promotion at my job and made some really amazing friends." I nodded and started climbing down the ladder since I couldn't reach anymore lights. "Oh and I finally broke up with my high school girlfriend." My left foot slipped out from under me when he said this but luckily I was already close to the ground.

"What? That's insane! And warn a girl next time, I could've died." I pushed a finger into his chest and he laughed with a nod. "Why'd you break up anyways?" I wasn't curious, not at all. Nope. Not even slightly.

...Okay maybe I was dying to know. I think there's a part of me that still has a crush on him. But that doesn't matter. Wait... why isn't he talking?

Sungjin picked up the ladder and moved in so I could get more lights. "Well... it's kind of a weird story. But to make it simple, she felt like I was holding onto emotions from a while ago. She asked me if I could let them go and just focus on her."

"And you couldn't do that? Dude she was like your dream girl!" I looked down at him but he was making drawing in the snow with his foot.

"She was in high school. But not anymore. We just grew apart and she wasn't wrong. I still have pretty strong feelings for someone from my past." I made my way on the ground and hopped in front of him.

I placed my hands on his shoulders, "You are so weird." He pushed my arms away and moved the ladder again. "So who is it? Are you gonna act on it? I wanna see that happen! I have to get popcorn... oh! And a good seat so I can record."

He rolled his eyes and gestured for me to get back to work. I climbed back up the ladder and looked down at him smiling, well it looked more like a grimace. "I don't know if I'm gonna act on those feelings..."

"Oh come on. What's the worst that could happen? You get rejected?" I shoved his shoulder with a laugh, "Who cares? You don't wanna regret never telling someone, forever curious as to what could've happened..." I trailed off and started moving the ladder again.

"Sounds like you have some experience in this department. Care to explain?"

"You're still so annoying. Yes, I've had a fair share of crushes that I never acted on. Are you shocked?" I made my way back up the ladder focusing on getting the last couple of lights down to the ground.

He laughed, probably thinking I was acting like a baby. "I'm not. It just sounded like you were talking about someone specific."

I hopped down and went to pick up the end of the lights, "That's because I was." I shrugged, "It doesn't matter. If the situation was different, I probably still wouldn't have told him that I liked him."

"Too much to lose?" I nodded, wrapping the lights as neatly as possible but not caring too much since cords always seem to end up in a tangled mess by next year. "That's what I thought."

I gave him a suspicious look, "You're going to tell her. Whether it's by force or not is up to you."

He held up his hands as we walked to the garage to put away the lights in the box and put the ladder back in it's place. "I will. Soon." I nodded and sighed.

"Well, that was fun. What are you gonna do now?" I turned to look at him, but was shocked as to how close he was.

"I have a question," I nodded, "Why didn't you ever tell me you liked me?" I started to talk but he hushed me with a finger on my lips. "I remember waiting for you to say something, I already was pretty sure you were into me, but I had to leave for college. I was hoping you would tell me that day but you never did."

"Sungjin.... I just..."

"You were scared that it wasn't mutual? That it would ruin our friendship? Y/n....."

I looked down at the ground, embarrassed, "I'm sorry..."

He laughed and pulled me into an embrace. "I've liked you for so long. You've been on my mind recently, more than ever. I always thought that someone else would be able to make me forget my feeling but I just can't."

I pushed away to look up at him, my hand landing on his chest, "Sungjin that's really sweet... I should've told you a long time ago..." He shook his head and took a hold of one of my hands.

"It's fine. Now we're older and that's better. Let's go out Y/n." I felt my eyes widen at how easily he said that, not seeming nervous at all. I nodded and he grinned, pulling me closer to leave a soft kiss on my lips.

"How are you so calm about all of this?" I laughed.

"Do I seem calm? I've been thinking about how to say this to you for the past week." I hit his chest lightly and laughed.

"You are still such a freaking dork. Why do I even like you?" I started walking back to the house when he came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Stop~ My parents are gonna see and freak out!"

"Y/n! Do you have a boyfriend! Let us meet him!" I rolled my eyes as Sungjin trailed behind me, ready to answer all of the questions that are about to be thrown at us.


...I have nothing to say today so see ya later

Oh but i have a laptop now so hopefully I can work on other stories again ^^

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