Kogyeol (Up10tion)

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I hope you like this one, it's shorter than what I usually post but it had a word limit (it's for a challenge that i did) so yanno. go and read now

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I never saw Kogyeol outside of a relationship. He bounced from one girl to the next like it was nothing. I would always ask him if he felt anything for these girls and he just shrugged it off with a simple, "No," every time.

Why I liked him so much, I honestly don't know. He didn't seem like he was hurting these girls but he never seemed to care about them. And yet I wanted him to date me even if I would end up getting hurt. But I couldn't ask him out, I was too scared.

Too scared that it would ruin everything.

Kogyeol was one of my closest friends and I knew that if we ever dated and things ended poorly, that would be the end of our friendship.

"Ellie!" I look up to see Kogyeol walking over to my table and shut my notebook, "What's that all about?"

I looked down at my notebook and shrugged, "Just notes from class. I was reading my notes from last week." He nodded and sat down across from me, "What are you doing here?"

He smiled up at me, "I thought you would never ask!" He waved over someone from behind me and when I turned to look at who was coming over, I saw a girl and i felt like my heart was shattering for the hundredth time.

The girl ran over to where we were sat and picked the stop next to Kogyeol, "It's so nice to finally meet you Ellie! I'm Naomi, Kogyeol's new girlfriend."

I smiled kindly at the girl even if every fiber of my being wanted to cry, "It's nice to meet you too, Naomi."

"I thought it would be fun to introduce you guys early on, we've been getting along really well. I think this one will last." Kogyeol laughed and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her into him.

I knew that I needed to make up an excuse or else something bad was going to happen. I put on my brightest smile and laughed, "You guys are cute but hey, I didn't tell you but I really need to get going. I have a meeting I need to get to." I stand up and look down at the two after collecting my bag, "I'm really happy for you guys."

I ran off before I heard anything else, my facade was already broken and I cried as I walked to my car. I drove home and collapsed on my bed before making the decision I had been dreading for so long.

I love Kogyeol, but he does not love me and the only way I'm going to be able to move on is if I pretend like he was never apart of my life.

So I created distance. And he never said anything about it until one day I got a message that said, "Did you ever care about me?"

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I spotted Ellie sitting at a table and yelled at her, "Ellie!" She closed the book as I came closer so I pointed at it, "What's that all about?"

She shrugged me off and said that they were just notes, "What are you doing here?"

I grinned, "I thought you would never ask!" I waved over my friend and looked over at Ellie but I couldn't see her face so there was no way for me to see her reaction. I was trying to prove to my friends that she wasn't interested in me, or anyone really, even if I wanted her to be and they thought this would be a good plan.

"Introduce your girlfriend to her and see how she reacts. Then we'll really know."

So that's what we did. Ellie didn't stay long but Naomi was convinced that she liked me but there was no way that was possible. She had no reaction to anything we did and I couldn't push her to see a reaction before she left.

And then she stopped talking to me.

It wasn't sudden but after a while it became hard to not notice. She avoided being alone with me and took longer to text back until one day I sent her a message. I needed to know so I asked, "Did you ever care about me?"

And all she sent back was a simple, "No." And then she blocked my number.

I never saw her again and I still can't get over what we could've been if I had just said something, anything. But I was too scared to do that, too scared it would ruin us. But now I have to live with the regret of not being honest and I don't know what's worse.

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if this story sounded familiar, it's because I actually did something very similar to this before with a Wonpil one shot. this is what I originally planned for it but I changed my mind while writing that. and I've been wanting to go full angst so here we are with two stupid people being stupid. don't be stupid people and always just say screw it and tell people how ya feel if you really like them. or hate them, whatever ya feel.


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