Sungjin (Day6)

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This was partly because of a prompt but also partly because I was sad (He is Psychometric destroyed me, I still haven't felt up to watching the last couple episodes) so... yeah, I hope you know what kind of story this will be. Have fun reading!

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Everything was perfect. The background was full of colorful butterflies, a blanket on fresh, green grass and, him. Finally, spring had come to us.

Except everything was not perfect. Everything was simply an illusion.

I was dying, the irony of the season just hitting me in the face. I glanced at Sungjin, the only thing in my life that has consistently given me joy. He was staring up at the sky as the clouds floated by. Cherry blossoms floated down from the trees and fell all around us.

It honestly felt like I was in a fairytale and if this cancer thing wasn't something I was so painfully aware of, maybe I would've believed that it really was.

"What are you thinking about?"

Sungjin swept his eyes over to me, his eyes crinkling as his mouth morphed into a giant grin. The type of grin that came right before he said something impossibly lame. "You."

I shoved his shoulder weakly and laughed, "You're such a dork."

He pulled me against his chest into a hug, "But it's true. I was thinking about how happy you make me and how I'm so grateful to have you in my life."

We were laying down now, my head resting on his chest. I could feel his heart beating through his shirt. Just the steady beat comforted me like it was any other day. "Sungjin, what would you do if I wasn't around anymore?"

He ran a hand down my hair and sighed, "I'd be very sad without you. I don't know if I'd ever be able to find someone like you again."

"But you'd be okay, right?"

"Do you need to tell me something?"

I grew silent and traced figure eights on his shirt, desperately trying to ease the growing tightness in my throat. But it wouldn't go away. No, it just got so much worse. One drop slipped from my eye and landed on his shirt, instantly alerting him. He sat up and pulled me into a tight hug, my body now shaking with tears.

I held him closer and smothered my face against his shoulder. We sat like that until my breathing evened out again. Sungjin pulled away and held my face in his hands, "Just tell me what's wrong."

"I'm dying, Sungjin."

His whole body dropped but he managed to whimper out a small, "What?" Before he completely collapsed into tears. I held him close and cried with him but not nearly as hard as he did. He gripped my shirt and looked up at me with the most broken expression I've ever seen. "Why?"

"I have cancer and I can't get the treatment."

He sniffled, "What do you mean you can't get the treatment?"

"I can't pay for it and it might not even work. Sungjin, I can't put my family in debt if I don't even know if I'll live."

"I'll pay for it then."

I shook my head, "Sungjin, it's too much."

"Losing you without even trying to save you would be too much." He picked up my hands and held them in his, "Let me help you with this. I can afford it, you know I can."

"I don't know, Sungjin."

"Please, just," his voice broke, "Just let me try to save you."

I dropped my head and muttered, "I don't want to die." I peeked at a hopeful Sungjin and nodded slightly, "You'll stick by me the entire time, right?"

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