The Beginning

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Life is uncontrollable, one day we have everything we wished we could have and the next day, only sand and dust reside.

Life is similar to love, it's not always rosy and sparklling as some people believe. Love has dark sides that are onerous to heal, as the black heart of a man, and so is life.

Who can see the future? I guess nobody, but I thought I could see the future, how naive I was. As a child, I dreamed of Barbie and Ken in the shoes of my mother and my father. Love for me was this; kissing every day, having beautiful moments together, how pitiful. 

I had what we can call, a wonderful family once, but it seems so far behind me now. Sometimes I ask myself, what went wrong? Did I miss something? Where is my family now, where is my life?

When people say, 'I'm sick of my family, I don't want to see them anymore,' and lament about it, I just want to tell them that they do not know what they're saying, they do not understand the purpose of a family, a mother, a father, a big sister.

You know what someone once told me; when we still have our parents around us, we do not see the fruit of the love they gave us, even though some claim it, but when all breaks up and burst like a burning house, this is where we find that a family remains a family, even if there were strong moments and a lot of downs.

The other day I dreamed of my father, I dreamed of my mother, I dreamed of my sister, everything seemed so real, we were together, gathered as before, but soon, the dream was transformed in a nightmare and when I woke up I was alone, in a mad world.

I have learned in recent years that a situation can change someone, both physically and mentally. I am an excellent example, I was a girl filled with goodwill, happy as ever, I did not know much about life and I regret it.

 I was a carefree kid until the day when everything rocked, all bursting against the hard ground.

Being a teenager is seen as many ways in the eyes of adults. Being an intellectual teenager is perceived as an achievement, and it is. Being a teenager with a criminal record is perceived as a failure, a big failure rejected by the society of the 'elder'. Being a teenage mom is perceived as trash, collateral damage.

But let me mention that I have none of this, but I'm still a failure, a failure that I can not bear anymore.

When someone says that he is physically and mentally broken, he focuses on the word "broken". If I had to draw something to show how broken I am, I would draw a black heart, shrivelled. An empty soul, smoulder. A mind packed with bullshit all buried in a body well spoiled by the dirt of life.

It's life, my friend. Everyone lives life in its own way, some try to be happy, some do not succeed to be happy. Some mask their faces with a fake image. Others live the great love, and there are those like me who try to survive, who escapes like an animal hunted by monsters ... it's life, my friend.

Hi guys! It's Emily here. I'm so excited to publish this first part of my story, I know it's a short one but longer chapters are coming.

For all of you who are going to read this novel, I want to thank you! Thank you for being part of my work. 

And also, the first chapter will be posted Friday. Don't miss it!

So basically I'll be posting every Tuesdays and Fridays ;).

Thank you so so much again. Let's travel in this book together. And don't forget to send me messages if you want, I like talking to other readers and writers... Well, see y'all soon <3

Don't forget to leave a vote and comment if you enjoyed this guys. Big kiss.

Emily X

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