chapter 41

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I launch the hospital door open and enter the lobby. The cool air conditioning brushes my skin and gives me a feeling of coldness like the icy wind.

Keeping my pace, I walk as speedily as I can towards Blake's room, I remind myself that I can't waste any time because what I'm holding in my hand is very critical, something that is for us, on us.

These pictures are a threat, a freaking threat. Since I saw them, I'm feeling much more vulnerable now. While I was on the bus to come here, I was looking around me every second. Whoever was sitting beside me, in front of or behind me, was the attention of my self-security.

I was scared that someone was following me or watching me from remote. The feeling of being watched is unbearable, one feels like a prey, like a little thing surrounding by giants.

I arrive towards the door of Blake's room, and I open it quietly and close it behind me. Before I have the time to get into the room completely, I hear voices, someone is here with him.

"She's scary," A familiar voice of a man says, a voice that I have heard before, but for now I'm not having it.

"She isn't scary, stop talking shit," I hear the annoy voice of Blake, his voice can't be mistaken because annoyance is his particular identity.

"Did you see her that night, she looked like Tarzan's female version, she was barefoot and her hair, damn, it was like a birds nest," The man goes on, amusement can be heard in his voice. Are they perhaps talking about me?

"You know that you're annoying as fuck?" Blake says the annoyance isn't leaving him at all.

"I know, and that's why you love me."

"Yeah, yeah, can you get out now, I need to rest, you're giving me a headache that only can be healed when you're far away from me," Blake says.

"Yeah okay, if you're asking. Well, take care man, I'll visit you soon," The guy says. I decide to get into the room completely, I don't want him to think that I'm listening to their conversation, which I was doing.

I take a few steps and reveal myself to their eyes. I look at the man and I realize that it's the guy who took us here when Blake came for me.

All of a sudden, I can feel the eerie atmosphere rising in the air, I'm looking at the guy, he is doing the same, but none of us is stepping in to talk or anything.

He's standing next to Blake's bed and his eyes are piercing holes in me. He seems like having no clue of what he wants to do, which is somewhat funny to me, but of course, I try my best to hide my smile and to keep my serious face.

"Oh, I'm so dumb. I don't think we had the time to met each other properly. I'm Leon, Blake's best friend," He says and takes a step towards me, extending his arms, waiting for a handshake.

My eyes escaped to him and lands on Blake who is looking at me but without any kind of emotions.
Did I upset him that much?

I force a smile on my face and extend my free hand to shake his. "I'm Aiden, Blake's... girlfriend," When the word 'girlfriend' leave my mouth, I look at Blake and he is still looking at me but it's as if I'm transparent, as if he's looking through me.

"Yeah, I already know that," He smiles— which is pretty spooky— then, he turns towards Blake and gives him a head nod and looks back at me, with another spooky smile. Goodness, he looks like a kid.

"Well, nice to finally meet you officially. I would love to know my friend's girlfriend better, but your boyfriend is unfortunately in a bad mood and he wants me to leave, which I can't protest."

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