chapter 2

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The snack time was rather calm, no drama took place. Luckily, the children don't care much about what happened earlier and that's why I love kids because when they are young they don't understand things, so mostly everything is forgotten.

Eldon ceased crying when I gave her her favourite yoghurt which is the strawberry flavour, and Ellen, well, she didn't come back downstairs and I had no idea if she was fine or not and honestly, I didn't care, I stopped caring a while ago.

Throughout the evening, the children and I got our entertainment which was the usual, we watched the full Tinkerbell series and played Barbie and logos, the things we do every time, day after day.

Later that day, Ellen left the house around 7 PM, in a hurry, she didn't look at us, she just stormed out of the room, like every other day. I won't hide the fact that it touches my heart whenever she acts like this, it saddens me to see how she is towards us now, but it also hardens my heart, making it bitter.

At 8 PM, after the dinner I prepared with what I could find in the kitchen, I bathed Acher and put him to bed, singing some lullabies to him and after a moment, he drifted to sleep entangled in his Nemo sheet, well confined in his crib.

And right now, I'm giving a bath to my little princess. "I want Titi, Edon," Eldon's says and she throws water outside the bathtub.

She is hilarious because she can't pronounce my name correctly and I won't hide that I like the name she gave me, that's better than, Aiden, who thought that 'Aiden' could be a girl's name? Honestly, I have never heard such idiocy in my whole life. I still have not met a girl who has the same name as me, this may never happen.

I still don't understand, why my 'parents' gave me that name?. In high school, almost everyone made fun of me by saying that I had the most unusual name in the entire school. Even my name was a failure for them. At least a two-years-old is better at choosing names.

"Edon, I want Titi!" she says, loudly.

"Oh yes baby, wait a minute," I start looking around the bathroom to find her bath friend, which is a duck, without it, she would not take a bath, and I sincerely believe it, she will not do it, I have already experienced that. Eldon is ... hard to fool, she knows what she wants when she wants.

After a moment of searching all over the bathroom, I find it, it was hiding behind a pile of clothes, "Here baby," I say and give her Titi.

She takes it with joy and begins to play with it, sending it in all senses, splashing water on the little red carpet in front of the bathtub.

This bathroom is their playground, and sometimes it takes me days to put everything in their respective places. Eldon and Acher always take their bath in my bathroom. We have exactly three bathrooms in this house, one downstairs, one in Ellen's bedroom and mine.

I never let them go to the bathroom downstairs because that's where Ellen does her nasty things, and I do not want them to be exposed to that.


When Eldon takes a bath, it is usually the longest and most tiring moment of the day. The girl is only three years old and I have never seen a child of her age so addicted to water. If I do not force her out, she will never leave the bathtub.

So after 20 minutes of looking at her, repeatedly telling her to pull her fingers out of her mouth, begging her out of the tub, she decided to listen to me and go out, and that was a relieved because my eyes could no longer stay open.

"Goodnight baby, I love you," I say while I'm tucking her in the covers. I kiss her on the cheek and start walking towards the door, but she calls me.

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