chapter 36

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My head and my back are lounging against the dank trunk of the tree in which my car has crashed. The rain is falling profusely and I'm soaking wet, but I don't mind, all that matters now is to get the kids out of here.

All of a sudden, I hear the racket of a car, I glance towards the road and the first thing that I see is the orange-yellow of a headlight, then the white car comes into view. It halts a few meters away from where I'm sitting.

The driver side door opens, revealing a woman as stiff as a wooden who is wearing—for some unknown reasons, I'm examining her from head to toe— she's wearing tight black jeans and a coat too large for her. Her hair is gathered all together into what I presume is a ponytail.

She descends the slope with great difficulties, and if I weren't in this state, I would unquestionably laugh at her for being so clever with her struggle to descend without falling on her face.

When she's finally on flat surfaces, she races towards me, my God, I never thought my aunt is a runner, she sprints as if she is still in her twenties, as if she's all fit, which gets me impressed.

"My goodness, Blake, what happened?" She squeals and crouch down next to me, I can feel her hand on my right shoulder.

I swallow and I turn my head towards her, she has a panic expression on her face, a face full of makeup. Now that I look at her closely, I discern that she is uncanny pretty for the night, was she planning on getting out? 

"You have to bring them to the hospital," I tell her.

She looks into my eyes and tries to understand what I'm talking about. She's trying to get a reaction from me, a reaction that I don't seems to give her.

"Who are you talking about? You need to go to the hospital right now, have you seen your face–..."
Abruptly she stops talking, her eyes are now focused on something else, I follow her gaze and I comprehend that she's looking at my injured thigh.

"Oh my god!" She squeals and put her hand on her mouth, her eyes are wide open, ready to pop out. She starts trembling as if she had just seen a ghost.

"You need to go to the hospital right now," She tries to stand up but I grip her forearm quickly which cause her to give me a 'what the fuck' look. 

I shake my head slowly and my eyes land on my car, she follows my eyes and looks towards the car as well. I can tell that she's really confused by what's happening, but I'm trying to talk as less as I can because I'm in so much pain.

"The kids... they-they're in the car. Please, take them to the hospital," I whisper to her, her eyes are now filled with tears, she marches towards the half-open backseat door and she opens it widely, giving her full view of the children.

"Oh my god," I hear her murmur.

"Are they still alive?" She asks me but to be honest I'm in so much agony that I barely heard half of what she just said.

"Blake!?" She approaches me and places her hand firmly on my shoulder again.

"Take them to the hospital... please," I whisper again.

"Okay, okay," She says rather to herself.
Then, I hear nothing, no sound, no murmur, nothing.

I open my tired eyes and I see her walking back and forth with her hand are on her forehead— she does this often when she's stressed out of her mind— she looks like an insane person who just fled out of an asylum.

"Can you walk?" She asks. Her voices trembles, I can hear her terror.

"I'm not coming with you," I respond.

Escape [Completed] Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora