chapter 5

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After this disgraceful moment in the living room, I've head upstairs to my bedroom with Eldon and Acher. Tears flowed down my face like the fall of a waterfall.

My entire body is aching with every little movement I make. It's unbearable.

Now, I'm in the bathroom, I'm washing the blood on my face while the children are on my bed playing. They have already forgotten about what just happened, they are too young to understand and that relieves me.

I look at my wrecked reflection in the mirror and study myself, my lips are still bleeding, my hair is a freaking mess and my left cheek is swollen. I turn around to look at my back and there are red marks here and there and some parts are bleeding.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I need to make a decision with my life. I can't continue to live that way anymore.


Later that night, the children are sleeping with me. I feel better when they're next to me. They are snoring loudly, I can tell that they were exhausted.

It's now 11 PM and I can't sleep. So I'm doing something that I rarely do, something that is utterly strange, I'm calling Blake. He answers at the third ring.

"Hello Aiden?" He says, with a husky voice, he was probably sleeping.

"H-hi Blake. Um... I'm sorry if I woke you up," I whisper.

"No it's ok, I wasn't sleeping. Are you and the children ok? Do you need anything?"

"Yeah we're fine. I-I just wanted to talk to someone... weirdly," I say, laughing timidly. I never call him, when I do it's only for urgent situations.

"Oh... okay, I'm here, I'm listening," his voice is so soft. I can imagine him on his bed, arms behind his head, looking at the ceiling.

"I..." I don't have time to talk when the doorknob start moving. Oh no, not again!

"Hello, Aiden, you're still here?" I hear him asks but I don't answer, instead, I start panicking. I hang up immediately and place the phone on the bed next to me, then I don't budge from the bed.

After a moment of pure silence, I hear muffled voices. They are whispering. It's male voices.

What the hell do they want? Aren't they having fun downstairs, why would they want to get inside my bedroom?

I'm hyperventilating. As strong as I can be, those kinds of situations are too much for me.

I get off the bed and grab my baseball bat and climb on the bed quietly, in a sleeping position.

This baseball bat has always been under my bed, I got it from a friend who used to play baseball, and since then it was always under my bed.


It's now 7 AM, I stayed awake all night. I couldn't close my eyes. It was a torture. Every time I tried to sleep there was something that was annoying me in my mind, preventing me from resting a bit.

I'm feeling rocky, my head is pounding. The baseball bat is still in my hands and after a while I put it next to my nightstand.

I get out of bed and I feel numb everywhere. I difficultly walk to the bathroom, but I manage.

Today is supermarket day, we barely have food in the fridge and Acher is lacking diapers.

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