chapter 31

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It's been more than three hours since this jack is here. Just by thinking of his name, it gives me a stomach ache. Now, envision how I felt when he was near me when we met earlier.

I've told Blake that Jack was strange and coarse and that I didn't feel comfortable when he was near me, but he said that I had nothing to fear and that he wouldn't let anything happen to the children and I. Unfortunately, it's laborious for me to trust him now because he left me alone when I needed him the most and I'm afraid he can do it again.

Oddly, I'm in Blake's bedroom and I'm conveniently sitting on his bed with a book in my hands. When I think about it, it's weird that I'm on his bed and not on mine. For some unknown reason, I've developed an attachment to his room because it's comfier and warmer than mine.

When I got into his room, I was so bored that I've looked around to find something interesting. I wasn't ransacking his room, but everything would have been interesting because I was beyond the word bored.

By chance, I've found a book in his closet, it was deep into a drawer as if it was hiding, afraid that someone would read it.

At first, I knew it wasn't for Blake, because he isn't a book lover, and even if he was, he wouldn't have read a book like that.
The book looks worn and the pages are almost jaundiced-looking. The words are slowly fading and some lines are difficult to read, but strangely, it attracts me, the title itself attracts me, although the title isn't so extraordinary.

My fingers linger on the letters in white, and I read the words slowly, Crime and Punishment.

Suddenly, the door fling opens and reveals a panting Blake. When his eyes met mine, he sighs with relief and starts to laugh, which cause me to frown.

"What?" I ask and a grin appears on my lips.

"I was looking for you like and idiot, I inspected the whole house, but I didn't think you were there," He says and approaches the bed.

I laugh silently and shake my head several times. God, it should have been hilarious to see him looking for me like a fool.

"I'm sorry if it seems like I'm invading your space, but your room is so comfortable and I've found something to do," I lift my book so he can see it.

"Oh, you read now?" He asks with curiosity trailing in his voice.

"What do you mean you read now? I imitate his deep voice, though I sound more like a dying horse.

"I never thought you are the kind of people who likes to read," He says jokingly, then sits down next to me.

I sigh and put the book on the mattress, it's true that I don't usually read, but I can't say that I hate to read, I love to read, but it depends on my mood. It seems like when I'm bored, I feel the urge to read.

"How are the children?" I ask and look at his beautiful face, I can't help but say that his face is beautiful because it is. Even though I know that no one is perfect, I know he has his defaults, but I can't seem to see the flaws that are plastered on his face.

He sighs and says, "They are enjoying their time in the playroom. But I'll give you a piece of advice don't go into the playroom, it's a mess."

I look at him and laugh shyly, unconsciously, I'm happy. His way of acting with the children is a blessing, he is a blessing to them. He gives them the love that I never thought someone will give them. He acts as if he's their father, and this is heart-melting.

"But whatever, I have something to tell you, that's why I was looking for you," He says and his face shift of expression.

"Okay... go on," I say hesitantly, I hate it when he says he has something to tell me because it feels oddly weird.

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