chapter 22

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4 years ago.

Today was my mom's first ultrasound and she didn't want to go.

This morning she woke up and threw up on her bed, she didn't get the time to run to the toilet. After that, she started to howl, saying that she was in so much pain. I've tried to help her and brought her whatever she needed.

Last week was the end of the holidays and I was so excited to see my friends, so excited to see Blake, but unfortunately, I couldn't attend classes because of my mom, she needed me, and I didn't forget what the doctor had told me, I mustn't leave her alone.

So, for these reasons, I started online classes, which is a great advantage because I have an occasion to stay home and to keep an eye on my mom while studying.

I'm not going to lie, it's a bit boring because I like going out and hang out with my friends, but yeah, I have to accept this reality.

As I was saying, mom's ultrasound was good, the baby is healthy and mom's doing well too, she didn't do anything stupid yet. She's just distant from me, something that I can't accept because she never ignored me, never.

Whenever I try to have a friendly or normal conversation with her, she walks away as if I'm not there.

It's more like I'm her maid and she's my master.


Currently, I'm in the bedroom on the bed, next to the children, they are taking a nap, it's their second nap today. Those kids are the queen and king of the sleeping challenge.

It's almost 6 PM and I guess Blake will order something for dinner.

I sigh and start thinking about what happened earlier in the kitchen. I didn't know what to told him, so, I told him I'll think about it, he was quite disappointed by my answer and I understand him.

It's totally normal to be disappointed because I did kiss him as if it was our first date.

I know that there's nothing to think about, I know what I want to do, but I'm still scared to do that.

I know it's stupid but when you never experienced something like that, and when you look around you and see what love is doing to those families, couples leaving each other after a simple fight, cheating and lies, it's not love, and I don't want to live like this.

I hear a faint knock on the door, I get out of the bed slowly and open the door.

Blake is standing here, dressed in tight blue jeans, black sleeve shirt and black combat boots, his hair is moist and curly, some strands are falling on his forehead, and he smells of perfume.

"Umm, I've ordered veg for you, as you asked, and there's a jar of baby food for Acher in the fridge, and I've also ordered something light for Eldon," He whispers.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

The sun will set soon and he's leaving us by ourselves in this huge house? I'm not scared but when he's here, I feel secure.

"I'm going to hang out with an old friend," That's all he says. I can see that he's avoiding my eyes a lot.

"Ok, great, have a nice time," I say as if I didn't care. I grab a dark blue cardigan and put it on.

Then, the doorbell rings, "I get it," Says Blake, then he walks away.

I get out of the room and in the corridor, I can hear him thanking someone, which I presume is the delivery man.

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