chapter 17

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I'm about to reach my bedroom when I hear the front door open and close, then voices echoes in the house.

I know I have time to get into my room and get out of the window quickly, but my curiosity wins. I'm just going to take a look, nothing will go wrong, right?

I take a deep breath and walk towards the staircase. From where I'm standing I can hear their conversation.

"We have a new job for you," I hear a man says.

"Ok, when and where?" I can recognise this voice anywhere, it's Ellen.

"Before we talk about the where and when, let me tell you that this one isn't a joke," Says the man.

I hear Ellen laugh, then she says, "So, does that mean the other jobs were jokes?"

"No, but the other jobs were just a taste of what's ahead," Says the man.

Then I hear another voice, a girl's voice. Well, just by her voice, I can say she's a bitch.

"Have you ever killed someone?" Ask the girl.

Shit, what is happening?

"No, but I won't hesitate to kill someone," Says Ellen.

That's it, I lost my mom completely, how can she says something like that? This woman isn't my mom, my mom was a sweet and caring person, she hated violence.

She wanted to protect her children, live happily with her family. I don't recognise her.

I feel my throat tighten and then tears start running down my cheeks. I take a deep breath and walk towards my bedroom.

I wipe my face with my sleeve, I shouldn't cry for her, she doesn't deserve my tears, she doesn't deserve my sadness, but I can't can't stand the fact that I lost my mom, the only person I loved most in my life.

I sigh and look at my bedroom for the last time. Suddenly my eyes lands on a picture that is on my shelf next to a few books.

I grab the picture and I feel a pang in my heart. This picture was taken when I was five years old. It was Riley ninth birthday and we had it celebrated at Disney World.

We were all happy in the picture, a perfect little family.

Dad was kissing mom's head and mom smile was reaching her ears. Riley was hugging dad and I was hugging mom, it's a beautiful picture.

I close my eyes for a second, then I decide to take the picture with me. I open my bag and put it in, then I say my last goodbye to the house where I had love and hatred.

I take a last look and I get out by the window. I get off the tree and rush to the street.

I don't dare to turn around because if I do, I know I will burst in tears.

I reach the street and I walk quickly to Blake's car. When I get over there, I quickly open the passenger door and enter.

"Are you okay?" Blake asks.

"Yeah, can we get out of here, now," I say. I want to get away from here because I don't want to burst in tears, I can't, I have to be strong.

"Yeah... sure," He says and start the engine.


After three hours of driving, we still haven't reached the airport. My limbs feel numb and I can't feel my butt anymore.

"Blake..." I say with a serious annoying voice.

"Yes, Aiden?" He asks calmly.

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