chapter 21

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Blake P.O.V

"Amey Chester?" I ask. I'm really shocked to see her here.

"Yes, it's me," She says while peering over my shoulder at Aiden and the children, with a small grin on her face.

"I see that you're in good company," She says, I can hear the irony in her voice.

I must get away from her or I will say something that I will regret.

"Yeah...Umm, we need to go," I say and start preparing myself to walk away with Aiden, but before we have a chance to move Amey approaches Aiden and extends her hand to her.

"I'm Amey, and you are?" She asks with a smile on her face.

What the fuck is her problem? Why she's doing this?

"Yeah... ok," That's all Aiden says, and then she grabs my arm and she pulls me towards the car.

We enter the car, with the children safely buckled in the backseat. I look at Aiden and she seems annoyed.

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask, putting my hand on her thigh.

"Who is she?" She asks while giving me a death scowl.

"She's nobody," I say and start the engine. I can feel the sweat forming on my forehead.

She puts her hand on the wheel and says, "No, answer me now, you're not driving."

I turn the key and stop the engine, then, I turn to face her.

"She's nobody ok, can we forget about that?" I ask. She's not someone that I want to talk about, she's part of my past and nothing more.

She laughs sarcastically and says, "Are you kidding me, do you think I'm stupid? You know her name and she knows yours. how can you look at me in the eyes and tell me that she's a nobody?"

I sigh and put my head in my hand. Oh god in what trouble I screwed myself?

"Look, can we continue what we were doing, please?"

She looks at me and shakes her head.

"We'll talk about this later," I say, trying to convince her.

"No! Let's get back to the house, I don't want to be around you, and the children need to have their nap time," She says sternly and looks outside the window with her arms crossed around her chest.

I know I must not push her to the edge, she'll get mad even more against me, and I don't want us to argue over Amey. So, I take deep breath and start the car.

Aiden P.O.V

I get out of the car and grab the children, I rush towards the front door and get inside quickly.

The drive back home was tiring, I couldn't be next to Blake. If I could, I would punch him in the face for lying like that.

I enter the bedroom and lay the children on the bed, I know they are tired and they'll sleep soon. I put the pillows to the edge to prevent them from falling out of the bed.

Then, I get into the attached closet and take a deep breath. How can he lie to me? how can he tell me she's nobody? She is obviously not just a 'nobody'.

I'm fuming of anger, and I have no idea why. I close my eyes and calm down a bit. I get out of the closet and find the children already asleep on the bed.

Suddenly I get thirsty, I get out of the bedroom and close the door quietly.

As I enter the kitchen I find Blake sitting on a stool next to the counter, his phone in hand.

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