chapter 35

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My skin feels like a pure recreation of what we call ice, it's so rough and as white as the snow itself. I'm shivering– shivering of fear and of coldness, which is tough because I'm feeling as if my blood is stopping on working, as if my heart is stopping on pumping.

I'm sitting on the cold marble in the living room beside the couch and my back is resting against the icy wall, my arms are wrapped around me, I'm trying to give myself some warm but it's not helping. I tried to blow in my hands thinking that it would warm it a bit... it didn't alter anything. I tried other things too but I gave up, nothing was working.

God, I've never experienced this kind of temperature in my entire life, it's so cold that my skin is burning as if I had been set on fire and I don't even venture to move a muscle, too frightened of the outcomes.
I've been sitting on the floor for a long time now, and I haven't heard nor seen the person that was inside, and I don't want to find out if he's still here or not.

Maybe I should get up and hide in a warmer place but I'm too scared, too traumatized to walk around knowing that I may not be alone, so I prefer to stay still and endure this ordeal.

I gulp hard and close my eyes, letting the scalding tears running down my glacial cheeks, the tears feel so hot that it's warming me a bit, it reminds me of a good shower or a pleasantly warm bath in a tub, oh yes, I would die for any of these two options.

A small grin appears on my dry lips when I think about me in a hot tub which is ticking my skin, wrapping me into its warm melodic water.
Then, Blake appears and strokes my hair behind my ears giving him a full view of my face, but then the thought stops right there on Blake's figure.

Just thinking of him makes me want to explode. I bang my head against the hard wall multiple times while sobbing as soundlessly as I can. My hands are clenching the fabric of my black tights trying to calm myself, trying to stop me from shouting or from cutting my veins and letting my blood vanish into the air of this catastrophic night.

Suddenly, I hear the faint sound of music, a music that I know, a piece of music that I cherished when I was younger.
I stop moving and stop sobbing, I open my eyes but it's as if they are still closed.

The song keeps playing, it's melody invading my brain bringing me back to my younger me when my mom used to sing this song for my sister and me.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know dear, how much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away.  

The melody leaves my mouth with my soft humming. I'm relishing this, the song, the melody, the memories. How a song can make someone feels better but at the same time anxious?

I adore this song, but a part of me– the part which is still in reality– is telling me that this music isn't playing for anything, and it didn't start playing by itself, someone put it on for a particular purpose, a purpose that is still unknown to me.

Abruptly, it stops. The little bubble that was created around me a few seconds ago just popped, leaving me all alone again, in this gloomy, scary, terrifying place, with someone that is trying to terrify me, for no reasons.

Tears flow down my cheeks and I start shaking again, but this time more violently.
Something is forming into my belly, I want to throw up, I want to sleep... sleeping for eternity wouldn't be bad, I guess.



My eyes dart open slowly but I'm seeing nothing, I start to breathe heavily and strives to move my arms but I don't feel anything, I feel numb everywhere as if my body isn't my body anymore, as if a truck had rolled me over and flattened my body.

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