Chapter 16

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Four years ago.

Today was the last day of school, finally, the holidays are there !

Right now I'm walking home with a smile on my face. We made a new friend recently, his name is Blake, the new guy.

He was always alone since his arrival, so Mason and Jay wanted him to be friend with us. They asked him and he accepted without hesitation.

Oddly yesterday he asked for my number, I gave it to him and yesterday night he texted me, we chatted for a while, it was fun to chat with him.

I arrive in front of our house, I open and close the white gate behind me.

The first thing I notice is mom Range rover, which means she's home. A big smile appears on my face.

I walk past the small garden and enter the house through the glass door of the kitchen, strangely the door is open.

I enter the kitchen carefully, it's neat and clean, nothing has been touched.

I put my backpack on a stool and walk towards the living room.

"Mom, I'm home," I shout. No answer, only the sound of the breeze can be heard.

"Mom, I brought ice cream for us," I shout again.

I sigh, suddenly my mood change from happy to disappointed.

I was so happy to get home and to saw mom's car in the front yard.
I thought that maybe she'll spend time with me because she isn't usually there.

I'm always alone now and it's not cool to stay alone in this huge house.

I walk towards the stairs but I stop on track when I hear a whimper.

It comes from the bathroom downstairs. Mom always locks this room for some unknown reasons.

I press my ear against the door and hear another whimper. What is happening?

I grab the doorknob and turn it but the door doesn't budge, it's locked.

I start to panic.

"Mom! Mom please open the door," I shout, but nothing happens.

"Mommy, please!" I need the key! Where can it be? Think Aiden, think.

Then I remember that she once told me that the key to her ensuite is the same for this one.

I run upstairs and enter her bedroom, everything was neat and in place. Her bed is untouched, she didn't sleep here last night, I guess.

I run towards her bathroom and almost stumble but I regain my composure and search for the key. I look in every corner.

I notice a black small bag under the sink, I grab it and open it quickly, there's a lot of things in there. Then my eyes lands on the silver key.

I take it and run downstairs. I reach the door and struggle to unlock it.

After multiple try I hear the click of the door. I open it and what is in front of me is heartbreaking.

I rush towards my mom, she's half sitting and half lying down on a black sofa. Her eyes are closed but she's breathing, thankfully.

I put my hand behind her neck to support her head.

"Mom, what is happening?" I ask, tears flowing down my cheeks.

I don't know what to do! I don't know what is happening!

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