chapter 55

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I pull myself together and try to calm down because I can feel my blood simmering in me like the water glittering on fire, I can feel my heart beating louder and I'm seeing blurry. What is on the next page of this book is so unexpected, something I never thought I would see again. I'm more than shocked, that's for sure.

The Number One Suspect of Blatty's leak; James Henrik.

I throw the book on the floor, wheezing, but without wasting any time, I stand up as quickly as possible and I almost bumped my little finger against the foot of the bed, but without worrying too much about my foot, I rush to the place where I have placed my dad's book in the drawer near the bed. When I open the drawer, to my surprise, the book isn't here.

It can't be happening to me, not now! I put it here myself, I'm sure. I look around me like a hysteric, wondering where on earth did I put this book if it's not in the drawer. All of a sudden, it comes back to mind, I remember that Blake took it yesterday morning, he wanted to read it and I couldn't tell him no, so I let him take it.

I run down the stairs, missing two steps. I enter the living room and I see him sitting on the couch, our phones in hands.

"Blake," I say and he lifts his head.

"Yes," He responds.

"Where did you put my dad's book, please?" I ask, my insides burning to grab the book.

"Hum, in the kitchen, near the oven, I forgot it over there," He says and I run to the kitchen, there is no time to waste here, I need to make sure that what I'm assuming is true.

Entering the kitchen, I head for the corner of the room where the little black book is sitting on the counter near the oven, and as I'm almost opening it when Blake appears in the room like a tornado, a frown on his face.

"Can I know what is happening?" He asks and approaches me, his arms tightly around his chest.  

"Give me a minute," I say and turn the pages quickly.


"Give me a minute, please," He sighs and nods. He leans against the counter as I'm looking back at the book. I turn the pages until I find it, the words I needed to see.

"Oh my God," I say and nearly fell, but Blake holds my arm firmly.

"Baby, what's going on?" He asks but it's as if I'm in another place right now, I can hear him but I don't see him. It's as if I'm floating in the air, I can't seem to be touching land, I'm like in an abyss, encircled by darkness and screams, not even a sparse of light.

"Aiden, look at me... damn it, look at me," He says but I'm trying to look at him, I'm trying, but all I can think about is what I just see. The name of this person is bouncing in my mind, the points are being fixed because I understand mainly everything.

"Blake," I mutter.

"Yes, baby, I'm here," He says and I can feel his fingers touching my arm. Finally, I can see him. It's as if the shock was too much to take but now I can see his face, I feel better.

"I–I can't believe it," I say and throw the book over the counter and run my fingers through my hair harshly while my mind is going in all the directions.

"What is happening?" He asks again, with curiosity.

"Did–did you know the father of the girl who lied about you?" I ask while I'm trying to regain my thoughts back, my mind is like in a fog, only white on white in my mind.

"Who, Amey?" He asks and I nod.

"No, I never met him but I know his name is James something," He says and I nod again.

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