chapter 60

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"Blake I-I can't anymore," I mumble, almost out of breath. I stop running and stay still, my free hand on my hip and the other around Acher's body, trying my best to keep him against me.

I have no idea for how long we have been running around, but the road doesn't seem to be appearing at all, it's as if we're turning around, and this is so, so tiring. Blake said we should follow an imaginary line that he created, and we kept walking straight, but unfortunately, Blake isn't a pro of survival life.

"We have to go, we can't stop, they are not very far behind us," He says and starts walking again, but I've tried my best to keep going since a long time now and I think my legs can't go on anymore, I feel as if they are stuck in the ground and that prevents me from moving.

"Blake, please," I moan, tears forming in my eyes, this time if they fall, the rain won't mingle with them because the rain stopped falling a few minutes ago.

"Aiden, we can't st-..." He doesn't have time to continue what he was saying when I hear him scream like he never did, and falls forward, landing flat on his stomach and Eldon falls next to him. My eyes widen and with a mysterious force, I rush towards him, my legs are like jelly.

"Are you okay?" I ask but then I gasp when my eyes land on his left ankle. My trembling hand find ways on my mouth to prevent me from screaming and from luring them to us, well, I hope they haven't heard Blake.

He keeps whimpering and tries his best to get Eldon back on her feet. I'm paralyzed, I feel like my world is shattering around me. The tears that I was fighting to keep inside are now flowing down my cheeks like a river. I shake my head in disbelief as Blake is groaning in pain on the ground.

"Blake," I say and touch him gently, but I'm afraid if I touch him anywhere else, he'll scream in pain.

"Fuck, I can't move," He groans, his deep voice getting out as pure panic.

"No-no, you can-..."

"I fucking can't! I'm feeling as if something is in my ankle!" He cries, his voice trembling as he stays flat on his stomach and tries to maintain himself on his elbows.

I cry, not hiding the fact that I'm completely horrified by what my eyes are seeing. I don't think he has any idea what just happened to him, except for the pain, he doesn't know what causes this pain, and I think it will be better if he never knows but then, I'm aware that he will find out soon.

"Aiden... what-what is happening to my ankle?" He asks me, and I hate it, I hate it because I can't believe that it's happening, right now, to us.

"B-blake, you-you...," I stumble over my words because I don't know how I'm going to tell him.

"Aiden, what the fuck is happening?" He yells at me, making me cry harder.

I shake my head and take a seat on my knees, then I place Acher on the ground because I don't think I'll be able to hold him now. My head spins as I keep staring at his ankle, my stomach twitches, my heart almost on the drift.

"You-you're foot got into a t-trap," I say, my voice getting out as a whisper but he hears me because when he turns his head towards me, all I can see in his eyes is confusion and dread.

"I-I... what?" He murmurs and his gaze falls to the ground. I look at him in desperation, my mind seems to be in the blue because I can't think of anything else except him. He is lying on the ground, his left ankle broken, and he is groaning in pain like that, this is too much for my mind.

Abruptly, he starts crying louder and lets his head fall on the dirt, on the wet grass. I can't help myself and cry louder as well. My head find its way in my hands as I cry, cry and cry. Why can't I be strong? Why? Why can't I help him out of this? How can I be so weak?

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