chapter 12

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After fifteen minutes of crying because of the death of his parents, Blake finally decides to calm down.

Yes, his parents died this morning. I'm sad to see him like that but I'm also intrigued because I never thought he would cry for his parents.

He wasn't on good terms with his parents. He hated them so much, for reasons that I don't know. Whenever they were together, there was always screaming and punching.

His voice cuts me off my thoughts. "I know what you're thinking about," He says in a gruff voice.

"You think that I'm stupid because I'm crying for them, right?" He says while looking at me with his red eyes.

"No, no Blake, you have all the right to cry for them, this is your parents we're talking about, they are a part of you of course you're sad. They're still your parents even though they were bad ones."

He chuckles bitterly and say, "I'm not crying for my dad, I'm crying for my mom. Why?, Because he doesn't deserve my sadness. My mom wasn't perfect but at least she played a role in my life."

I nod and look at his face, he sure does looks in pain. I can see that he's pushing back his tears.

"You want me to tell you a story ?" He says while getting comfortable on the couch. I nod, no matter what he wants to say I'm here to listen to him.

"Once upon a time there was a boy who lived normally and at peace in his home country, he was very friendly and all, until the day his father lost his job, this has changed everything," He takes a breath and continue.

"He couldn't find another job and this was driving him crazy. Unfortunately, the wife couldn't work, she was pregnant and was about to give birth," He takes a pause and look at me.

"He started selling drugs. He met a gang and they used him as a bait, they paid him a big amount of money for his work. But of course, he followed the wrong path. He used the drug for his own pleasure and became an addict."

Shit, I don't know why but I'm feeling that there's something bigger, something worse has happened. And I'm not dumb I know he's talking about his past.

"The boy's mom gave birth to a boy. Everything was perfect at first, he was loved by his entire family, the dad was really careful when it comes to him. But years later when the boy was four years old he-he..."

He stops and put his head in his hands. I put my hand on his shoulder and try to reassure him.

"Hey, it's ok, you don't need to continue this, and it's pretty late, I think you need to rest," It's nearly 2 AM.

He shakes his head and regain his posture. "No, I need to tell you the end of the story," I close my eyes and nod. I can't say no to him right now, I know that he needs to get this out.

"Well, where was I?" He starts thinking.

"When the boy was four-..." I say.

"Yes!. So, one day the father came home, he was drunk, really really drunk. The little boy wanted to play, his older brother didn't want to play with him... So... So he decided to asked his father."

"He started running behind his father, telling him that he wanted to play, he didn't know that he's father was drunk and when he was drunk he always needed someone to hit so badly."

I can see a tear flowing down his cheek. I know what I'm about to hear is going to be heartbreaking.

"The father has used his own son as a punching bag. Poor boy, he started crying and screaming he couldn't endure the pain. His mom and his brother has tried everything to stop the monster, but in vain, nothing has worked. He was too strong, he was like the devil."

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