chapter 9

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I'm completely frozen on my bed. I don't even dare move a finger, too scared of whoever is in this room with me.

Once again, I hear voices, pretty close this time. It's clearly men's voices. They're having a discussion.

"Shit, she's really hot," I hear one say. The voice sounds familiar.

"Joe, we're not allowed here, if we get caught we'll get killed," Joe? Oh god, that's the man who was trying to get into my room.

My heart is beating so hard. I'm struggling to breath. I can feel the tears running down my cheeks. You're trapped Aiden, you're fucking trapped. The voice of Joe cuts me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, shut up Mike, no one's here except you, me and Jules, and Jules is busy right now, he won't have a clue, if you don't tell him, of course."

"Fuck you man... You're crazy."

"Yeah... I already know, now go out, please," Says Joe.

Oh no, what is planning to do? After a moment of pure silence, I hear the door close. Then I feel a movement on the bed behind me. I quickly close my eyes, pretending to sleep.

"Wake up sweetheart, we're going to have some fun here," He whispers while caressing my cheek. His voice makes me want to throw up.

Suddenly, he brutally flips me on my back, which forced me to open my eyes immediately. then he looks at me with a mischievous smirk on his face.

"Hello, you're finally awake," He says, smiling like a psychopath.

Then he grabs my tights tightly. I can't move, fuck... I can't fucking move. I'm like paralyzed.

He swiftly pulls my tights off, a little inaudible cry comes out of my mouth, my eyes widen. He noticed my reaction.

"It's going to be ok, just enjoy it, don't be afraid," He says, caressing my cheek with his long ugly fingers.

He begins to unfasten his belt. Oh no no no... You can't let this happen Aiden, you're strong, you're not a coward. Think of your brother and your sister waiting for you.


With that thought in mind, I kick him as hard as I can between his legs, he groans and falls on the bed.

I get up quickly and grabs my phone on the floor. I dial the number of the only person that comes to my mind.

"He-hello, Blake, I need you... I need you to pick me up, please," I say whispering and crying.

"Aiden, why are you cryi-..."

"Come as fast as you can, please," I say and hang up.

I glance at the man, he's on the bed, desperately trying to get up. I grabbed my black bag with everything I needed and headed for the door.

I grab the doorknob and pull, but nothing happens. I try again and again and again but it's useless, the door is locked.

I take another glance at the man, he's on his hands trying to get up.

I try to grab my baseball bat, but he takes a fist of my hair and pins me to the bed, shit he's fast.
I try to scream but he puts a pillow on my face, I wiggle like crazy.

"What do you think you're doing, little bitch," He says angrily. Then he grabs my panties.

With all the strength that I have left, I punch him in the face, he doesn't budge!. Instead, he slaps me and torn up my black t-shirt.

Then he pulls back and takes off his pants, I take it as an opportunity. I kick him again between his legs, this time is the good one, I jump out of the bed, grab my bag and open the window.

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