chapter 57

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"Blake," I say for the fifth time, tears are sliding down my cheeks and for Acher's sake I'm trying to stop crying, but it's so hard to do when Blake is sitting in the mud and not responding me.

"Blake, baby, say something please," Finally, I have the audacity to touch his shoulder and my fingers graze the bare skin of his neck, and shit he is as cold as the inside of a fridge. How long has he been outdoors?

I'm really panicking, I have no idea what I should do, how I am going to bring him inside, he weighs a tone! I gulp and take a look around me, the weather isn't helping and staying outside like that isn't safe, really not safe.

"Baba," I look at Acher and he already finished his bottle, I take it from his hands and look back at Blake. What should I do? Think Aiden, think!
Digging in my head, I'm trying to find a way to bring him inside or to wake him up, but I don't even know what happened to him, what if he got an attack, how the fuck will I know!

Acher's small hand touches my neck and he is cold, he is freezing. As I take a last look at Blake, I decide to go inside and place this little man in his bed, but before I have the time to set a foot inside, I hear Blake mutter my name. I feel a bit of relief in me and I rush to him, taking a seat on my knees while holding Acher tightly against me.

"Blake, Blake, can you hear me?" I ask, and with my free hand I touch his cheek but then my fingers come into contact with something wet and weird to the touch. I frown instantly because the substance feels so weird.

" have to... run," He murmurs, his voice barely escaping his throat, he seems to be in so much pain, he is agonizing even. I push what he just said in the back of my mind and try to know if he's fine or not.

"Baby, baby, listen to me. What is happening, is it your thigh, it's hurting you? Please, talk to me," I say while sobbing and my trembling hand find ways on his cheek. This kind of situation is too much for me, I feel very out of place, I feel too weak and I don't like it.

"R-run... please..." A frown appears on my face because I have no idea why he is telling me to run, what is happening? I can feel something weird growing in my stomach when I look around me again. It's nothing Aiden, Blake just had a shock and now he is making things up in his mind. I say to myself, trying to convince myself that nothing is happening.

"C-can you walk?" I ask, neglecting his warnings completely.

His eyes meet mine, eyes he is trying to keep open, I can see through them that he is in pain but fuck, I'm so helpless in front of such things, if at least I knew exactly what is happening.

He gulps and shakes his head slowly. "Aiden, if you love me, please... run... you have to run... I beg you, take the kids and run–..." Before he has the time to finish what he was saying, we hear the sound of something breaking inside. I stand on my legs immediately, my eyes widen, my heart is ready to stop beating.

Taking little steps towards the open door, I look inside, trying to see in dark but I don't see anything, there's no abnormal movement, but I know what I heard, I heard it right, something broke. There's nothing in glass upstairs, so the sound came from the kitchen. Maybe it was an animal? But deep down I know that it's not an animal, not the kind that have four paws.

"Ai–Aiden..." Blake mutters again and cough. With a last look inside, I bend down again.

"There... there are people here, please, go..." He says and I start crying again, I break down right here, in front of a half-unconscious Blake, with an innocent baby in my arms.

Losing my balance, I fall on the dirt and cry my heart out. Acher touches my cheek but I keep my head low and let my sorrow, my anger, my despair, my vulnerabilities slip down my cheeks as I realize that I'm feeble... I'm weak.

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