chapter 14

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Two days have passed since the burial of Blake's parents. Two days, since these men have entered Aven's house and threatened Blake... and us.

During those two days, I couldn't sleep. Not only because of the events that happened, but also because of Blake words.

What he said two nights ago is still fresh and clear in my head. "Love is dangerous but worth it, never forget that."

I can't stop thinking about these nine words, and this is driving me crazy, he is driving me crazy.

How is it that someone like me who doesn't believe in love, who only sees pain in love is feeling strange things for someone?

Yes, I won't deny it now, I think that there's something between us, I don't know what but there's something. I can feel it every time he's near me.

During these two days, we didn't saw each other a lot. He was mostly in a bedroom or outside. Of course, it isn't blatant, he's always distant but now he's more distant because of what happened.


Awkwardly today I woke up in the afternoon, maybe it's because I couldn't sleep and I really lacked sleep.

I look like a dead person, under my eyes it's black as night, I'm afraid to look at myself in the mirror and my body feels as weak as never. I'm losing weight too, thank you to the stress.


I have finished to bath the children and myself, as it's the afternoon and they seem tired, I decide to let them in bed and walk downstairs.

"Hi guys," I greet lifelessly. I enter the kitchen with a strange view in front of me.

"Umm... what is happening ?" I ask. I'm a little shocked at what I'm seeing.

Aven is crying her heart out, Mason looks like a zombie with red eyes, he probably cried too. Jay and Rachel are holding each other and Blake isn't there, as always.

I approach them and Aven looks into my eyes and says, "I-I'm leaving, Aiden," What? What is this joke again.

"What are you talking about ?" I ask in disbelief. Am I dreaming? Did she really say that?

"I'm leaving... my dad got a new job in Australia and we're moving. He-he said that... that this house will be on sold in four days. I'm leaving Monday," Says Aven. I can tell that it's hard for her, she's crying so hard, it makes me want to hold her and cry with her.

I nod and I feel a tear falling down my cheek... Hell begins.

"Aiden, can I talk to you, please ?" Asks Mason. I was going to hug Aven before he talk. I look at Aven and she gives me a nod. I take a deep breath and walk towards the backyard with Mason.

When we get outside he closes the glass door and turn towards me.

"What is so important to tell me right now?" I ask infuriated, can't he wait a bit?

"Look, we all know what happened to you the night you came with your panties and torn t-shirt," My eyes widen at this sudden confession.

"Blake told us-."

"Wait wait wait, Blake told you?. I was supposed to-."

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