chapter 58

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"You know what's hilarious is that you have nothing to do with your parents, you seem to be a good young man with a heart and eyes that are too big for himself," James says, stopping to walk for a minute, then his scary eyes land on me again.

"You know, I don't think your parents ever taught you that..." He hisses and puts his hands in the pockets of his black suit pants. "That stealing is a bad thing," He says, and God knows how much I want to run away from here. I can smell trouble.

"You know what, let's go straightforward, I don't like gossip. Where is my money?" He asks sternly and I don't know what to say or what to think. So, all this time, he was the one who was trying to take my parent's money? He was scheming plans to kill us?

"I think I just asked you a question," He says and squat down, his sinister eyes looking deeply into mine. My blood is boiling, I want to spit on him, on his face. I want to tell him that I don't care about him, that I want to go, but I'm not dumb, as he said himself, I'm pretty smart, I know how to reverse a situation.

"I have nothing," I whisper, my jaw clenching because the pain in my thigh is increasing, I'm feeling as if someone has stabbed me deeply in my wound.

Before I even know it, I feel something hard and metallic connect with my face. My head turn the other side brutally, I almost heard the crack of my neck bone. A loud cry leaves my mouth because it's so painful.

"Where is my money? I won't ask again," James questions again and I stay quiet. Does he really think I'll reveal everything to him? Oh hell no, I'd rather die than saying a thing, besides, I'm 100% sure that the money doesn't belong to him, I'm convinced.

"Look, you're playing hard, and it's not the best thing. You know, if I give the permission, your little girlfriend will be dead in a few seconds, I just have to make a simple sign and she'll disappear. Boom."

My inside start clutching and I shake my head slowly. My eyes fall on the woman who is standing behind James, near the door and I finally realize that it's Ellen, Aiden's mother! My eyes widen, I'm trying to understand what she is doing here with... him. 

Acher is still in her arms, whimpering. She feels my eyes on her and her eyes meet mine instantly. She looks so different, she is far from being the woman I first met four years ago. Now she looks more... unstable. She has two braids that reach her waist, she is wearing makeup, so much. She is in all black, a long dress precisely and high heels. She looks younger but through her eyes I can see something evil.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask Ellen, my eyes burning in hers. How could she? Aren't they her children?

James takes a grip of my jaw and forces my head to him, I try to fight but his grip is too strong.
"Why are talking to her? Talk to me," He says and I ignore him completely.

"Please, Ellen, your daughter needs you!" I shout only to receive another blow on my face. I tear up like I never did before, I cry out loud, letting the tears flow down my cheeks, giving me a burning sensation.

I don't care if a man doesn't cry, it's bullshit. How can I not cry when I'm not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. How can I not cry when I'm feeling so much anger and when I'm feeling useless? My tears aren't tears of weakness, no, they are mostly tears of anger. I want to fight but I don't know how.



We keep walking, our bare feet get lost in the muddy ground. The rain started to fall a few minutes ago and we are soaked, we are trembling with cold, my legs are barely alive, I can't feel them anymore and I'm sure Eldon isn't feeling hers as well.

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