chapter 43

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The coldness of the night penetrates the house like a cloud of smoke, while the melodic and harmonic music of the crickets dances in my ears.
The moon seems surprisingly bright tonight, it illuminates the full side of the front yard, exposing all the hidden corners behind the darkness of the trees.

A little earlier, I thought I have seen something that I could describe as a silhouette towards the long fir trees, standing fully brave, but as I'm sitting here on this couch between the figure of my sleeping brother and sister, I surrender realize that my mind has created absurd images.

The light of the moon itself assured me that there was no one wandering outside this house, that I had nothing to fear.

My bare feet are suffering from the sudden coldness that oddly comes from nowhere as fogs would do. As a reason of fear and insecurity, I resolve to stay here even though I'm freezing as if I'm in a refrigerator.

Eldon and Acher are comfortably warm, they both have a cover on their bodies as they're snoring harmoniously, their mind running into different fascinating places, create by their crazy kids–imagination.

My burning eyes land on the clock that is next to the main door and I apprehend that it's already 19:30, it's been more than thirty minutes since I'm sitting here, between Eldon and Acher, without moving a limb.

I have tried to close my eyes and take a nap multiple times, but unfortunately, the feeling of not being alone and of being watched is unbearable, torturing. The light of the living room is off, purposely done by me, because I didn't want the kids to be disturbed by it, but I guess if the light was on it would have been better for me, so I don't have to look through the glass wall at any moment.

Every time I look somewhere else I can feel something moving in the front yard, I don't know if it's the fruit of my mind or for real but this is annoying and terrifying as hell.
I keep asking myself what has gotten into me to be back here, all alone again with the children.

I swallow hardly as I remember the night someone broke inside when we were sleeping, that night too, I was all by myself with them, and they knew it, so it can't be more different, if they're watching me, they know that I'm completely alone. If I can bang my head somewhere, I'll do it without any hesitation, I'm such a stupid dumb ass girl. Why did I come back here, knowing that they're watching me!

And Laura, where is Laura? She promised she would be there before 18:00! It's been over an hour and still no sign of her! Is she fine? Did she forgot about us? Or perhaps she did it on purpose? No, Laura wouldn't do something like that...

Laura is a woman of trust, she helped us a lot, besides she's Blake's aunt and she seems to love him a lot, she will never has devil thought about us, besides, there's no sense of her being mean. Again, my mind is going into deeper thoughts, and I swear, I think I'm going crazy.


To many thoughts, too many diabolical thoughts are trespassing my mind, like waves slapping the edges of the beach, going back and coming again more harshly.

It seems as if I can't stop thinking, as if a video tap is playing over and over again in my mind, replaying the same thing, the same shade, the same sound, nothing changes has it keeps vagabonding in the deeper places of my mind.

Is it possible for someone to stop thinking? Is it possible to press on a button and bam, no more thoughts? Well, I guess no, unfortunately, unless the person is dead.

Thinking is what has been scientifically proven as a way to feel better and alive, but it can also turn out to be bad if someone thinks too much, this can drive someone insane, and I think that's exactly what's happening to me, I can't stop thinking, my mind is going in all directions.

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