chapter 18

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Four years ago.

It's nearly the end of the holidays and to be forthright, I'm not enjoying my holidays.

Two weeks ago, I discovered that my mom was taking drugs.

The day I found her in the bathroom, she was completely drugged. I was shocked when I received the news from the doctor. I couldn't believe she fell so low.

She had two weeks of detox at the hospital, she didn't want to do it, but she was forced.

So, basically, the doctor told me to be there for her. He said that I shouldn't leave her by herself, and I'm doing my best to stay home to keep an eye on her.

Right now I'm in my bedroom, I'm trying to finish all my homework. I'm painting a portrait for my art class.

Suddenly I hear my mom throw up, again. This is the fourth time she's vomiting today, and I'm starting to worry about her.

I've asked her if she wanted me to call Dr Pattinson, he is our family doctor, but of course, she refused. She said that she'll be fine, but I think she's getting worse.

I sigh, and I rush towards her bedroom.

I enter her ensuite and she's on her knees, head forward over the toilet throwing up everything she has in her belly.

I push her hair back, gently, and I stroke her back.

When she finishes, she falls on the cold floor and groans. She looks sick, she lost so much weight these last days.

"Mom do you need anything?" I ask quietly.

She stands up weakly and shakes her head.

"Just... just give me a glass of water, please," She says and walks slowly towards her bed.

"There's a bottle of water and glass near the bathroom sink," She says.

I respond with a 'yeah' and I pour the water in the glass, but before leaving the bathroom, my eyes land on something near the bathtub.

I pick up the little white object,and I realise it's a pregnancy test. I'm totally shocked.

There's no results on it but I can tell that it has been used.

I walk towards my mom's bed quickly, with the pregnancy test in my left hand.


"Ah, thank you-..." She turns to me, and she meets the pregnancy test not the glass of water.

"What is this?" I ask.

"I thought I asked you to bring a glass of water," She says angrily while fixing the object in my hand.

"Why it was in your bathroom?" I ask through gritted teeth.

"Where is my glass of water, Aiden?" She asks, avoiding my question.

"I'm asking you a question!" I shout.

"Don't raise your voice at me!" She shouts back.

"Then answer me!"

"I have nothing to tell you! Get out of my bedroom!" She screams, which cause me to flinch.

"Mom, I just want to know, are you pregnant or not?" I ask, tears running down my cheeks.

She sighs and looks away, then she says, "Yes... yes I'm pregnant, what are you going to do?"

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