chapter 49

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I get back in the bathroom with the book in my hands. It seems more mysterious when I look at it now as if something else was lurking somewhere, something that I missed.

Blake's eyes land on it and he frowns, showing pure confusion. I would react the same way, seeing your girlfriend walking in with a book, which seems quite normal and simple from the view of the outside but hides inside everything that was hiding in the dark.

"Huh, what is this?" He asks, his eyes aren't leaving the object.

"This... is a book, but not all types of books," I say and lift it so that he can look at it more clearly. My fingers caressing the cover as if it were a skin or something pleasant to the touch.

He laughs a bit and shakes his head, "What are you doing, baby?" He asks.

"I found that last night in front of the door," I say as I study his face. All of a sudden his laughter fades and is superseded by another frown.

"And how did it get there?" He demands.

"I don't know, I heard knocking on the door, but when I opened the door there was no one there," I reply.

He groans and sighs, "Babe, you can't open a door without checking who it is first, it can be risky! Why didn't you look through the glass wall?" He asks and well, I didn't look through the glass wall, that's for sure, but, hey, I wasn't in the best condition either, the glass wall wasn't the first thing that emerged in my mind.

"I-I wasn't feeling well, I was extremely tired, I couldn't close my eyes, I was scared, and I was waiting for Laura... who never came."

"It's not an excuse... and what did you say, Laura wasn't with you last night?" He asks and confusion can be heard in his voice. His eyes are wide open, and folds appear on his forehead.

"If she were there, you would have seen her this morning," I reply.

He swears under his breath and passes his fingers in his black curls. What does that mean? Did he think Laura was with us? If so, why is he reacting like that when he found out she wasn't there at all.

"What?" I ask while I take a step towards him.

All of a sudden I can feel my heart beating strangely. Has something happened to her? Because if something happened, I will be very disappointed by myself because to be frank, I was a bit mad at her yesterday, I thought she had forgotten us, or worse, she had fooled us, things I shouldn't think about.

"It's nothing important, don't worry," He says and I want to argue, I can feel that he isn't saying what should been said, but I think we need to go step by step, so I'll continue with what I was going to say and then I'll listen to him.

"Okay... Well, I was saying that this book was in front of the door and you won't believe who this was with before it came into my hands," I say, my voice getting out as an excitement, I can't hide my enthusiasm, thought I don't know if I'm excited because of the book or because I'm sharing this with someone, with him.

"Alright, I'm listening," He says with a curious smile, following my gesture, because I do have a small smile on my face too.

"Why are you smiling?" He asks and laughs a bit.

"What? I don't know... and why are you smiling?" I ask.

"Because you're acting weird... this is weird," He gestures to the book which is firmly clasped against my chest.

I look in his eyes, he looks into mine, the feeling of being two is suddenly wonderful, I can't believe I'm sharing this with him. It may not be an important case, but my dad wrote these words when I was still young and when we were still a 'family', and honestly, sharing this with Blake is great, it's as if I'm going to share my dad with him.

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