chapter 50

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The dimly yellowing light of a lamp which is placed next to the bed is illuminating a small part of the room, and I'm glad enough, because it's perfectly gleaming on Blake's face as he is lying at the edge of the bed, quite close to feel the heat of the lamplight.

He has a hand behind his head and the free hand is tightly around my waist, holding me tight against his side. He is lying on his back and I'm lying on my side, half of my head is on his left shoulder and half on a pillow which was free.

To be straightforward, I love this position, being close to him, feeling his chest moving up and down, but right now the situation isn't pleasant at all, I can't say that I would like to stay like this until tomorrow morning because my legs and my waist are getting numb at every minute that is flowing, and I have to admit that not being in motion while you're laying is a torment.

Four people sharing a bed which was supposed to accommodate at least two-person, who I need to precise, have to be thinner than Blake, no muscle intended or it will be hard, now imagine this torture of sharing this bed.

In addition, we have to be very cautious because we are sleeping with two children who are very young and have their own way of sleeping. A baby boy who doesn't like to be interrupted while he's in another world, sharing gibberish with Spongebob and that's not all, of course, things have to be more complicated.

Well, Eldon is what I can describe as a, I–don't–like–to–share–my–bed–when–I–sleep kind of person. When she sleeps she kicks her feet in all the directions—poor my butt, I felt it earlier— she is unquestionably not the type to sleep right.

So after fifteen minutes of discussion between Blake and me we concluded that we would sleep at the edge to the right and Acher would be next to me in the middle and Eldon at the other side, but I have to mention that the bed is all theirs, it's as if we aren't there, but hey, they are the priority and as long as they're full of energy I'll be energetic too.

"Aren't you tired?" Blake's voice resounds in my ears, his shoulder vibrating at the sound of his husky night voice.

"No, I'm hungry," I reply as silently as possible, but yeah, I have never been so hungry. A few minutes ago, I was thinking about what kind of delicious food I would like to eat, and it made me more hungry.

It's almost 11 PM, the night is combining with the few stars that dwell in the sky and me, I'm hungry. I barely got hungry at night and the worse is that I can't eat too much at night because it doesn't digest, but tonight was an exception, I didn't even eat two pieces of my food.

"There are four-part of pizzas if you want I can give you one," He says.

"Blake, these aren't pizzas, it's far from being pizzas. It was so hard and the chicken didn't taste like... chicken," I say. Goodness, I have never eaten something like that, I don't know where he bought it and I'm not one to judge the food, but it was an exaggeration, I'm conscious that all pizzas aren't excellent but this one was beyond repugnant. Sorry to God for what is running in my mind, but I can't do otherwise but criticize the food.

He left at 6 PM, it was still bright, so he took the opportunity. He got us food somewhere outside and, fortunately, he got baby food which was quite good, Acher didn't complain.

"I know but you're going to have to eat something because since this morning you haven't eaten anything, you won't have enough energy," He says, rubbing his thumb against the skin of my waist.

"I know," I close my eyes, inhaling his scent which is mixed with the scent of another person because he is wearing his friend clothes, the dominant scent is the scent of his friend which smell like Cologne and smoke.

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