chapter 40

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I set the silver key in the hole of the door, turn to the left and I hear the click of the unlock door.
I don't waste any minute, as I push the door open and close it quickly behind me.

While I was in the bus to come here, I was constantly wondering if I had to put the lock on when I entered, I was putting the cons and the pros, my mind was literally in it and I almost missed the bus stop.

With a serene spirit, I decide not to lock the door, anything can happen, right?
The house is so big that it scares me now. I feel like an ant in this huge thing.

I take my first steps towards the couches of the living room and the voice of Blake emerges in my mind, his words are engraved. The way he told me that we aren't moving in with Laura and the way he was yelling at me was too much for me to bear.

If he wasn't on a hospital bed and injured, I would have yelled at him too, I would have told him everything that I was trying to keep indoors because I didn't want him to feel bad or sad.

Sometimes I ask myself if he isn't bipolar, for real. He is so moody and he's always riding on his big horses, and most of the time it's irritating.

He almost threatened me earlier, he said that I'm packing for nothing and that we aren't placing a foot on the floor of Laura's house.

Now that I think about it, I feel this strange that he doesn't want to go back there. I know that something is bothering him, or someone? 
I remember the day when we were at Laura's place, I eavesdropped them talking in the kitchen, he was talking about someone, and it wasn't in a pleasant way.

With a long sigh, I decide to make my way towards my bedroom and grab my stuff. I go up the stairs, step by step, while I'm pushing Blake's words at the far end of my mind. I don't want to have mixed emotions, what I'm doing is for our well being... for the children.

Finally, when I reach the last step a relief sigh leaves my mouth, my goodness, I need to get back to my workout, I'm already out of breath just by walking up the stairs.

I reach the door of my bedroom and step in, I close the door behind me and walk towards the closet, but before I can go there, I notice that there's an envelope on the bed, an envelope that I have never seen before.

With a frown drawing the lines between my eyebrows, I walk slowly towards the bed and, as I'm getting closer and closer, I can see something written in red on the envelope in a very bright red, you can't miss it.

When I'm close enough to touch it, I trail my fingers on it— though I don't know why I'm doing this— I can feel the eerie feeling of the paper rubbing against my skin, which gives me a slight of goosebumps.

As my legs don't seem to keep on supporting my body anymore, I take a seat at the very edge of the bed. I seize the envelope with precautions and look at both surfaces.

One surface is utterly clean, no scribble, not even the trace of anything close to a pen or pencil. And on the other side, the word 'Fantasies' is written in red, the writing looks so childish like that it's not close to an adult writing, though I don't know it could have been done by an adult.

No questions runs through my mind as I proceed to open this mysterious object, this mysterious envelope.

When I finish taking off the sealed part, I take a deep breath telling myself that it's nothing important, that it just happens to be there at this moment and in the middle of the bed, I keep telling myself that it is totally normal... totally normal.

I put my hand inside and grab all the content that is in the envelope, I take them out slowly and put them on the bed without taking much attention to them. There is all the kind of sizes of paper right here on my bed. All of them are upside down- what a coincidence- so, only the white part can be seen.

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