chapter 10

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Blake P.O.V :

"Aiden... I need to tell you something," I'm about to tell her how I feel about her but I hear snoring. I take a glance at her, she's sleeping like a baby in my arms.

A satisfactory smile appears on my lips. I've been waiting for this moment for so long. Now I'm going to enjoy it as if there would be no tomorrow.

I can't hide what I feel anymore. I have feelings for her since high school, which means it's been six years, six years of not being able to be more than her 'friend'.

Many people think that I'm the so-called 'bad boy' and that I sleep with different girls every week, well, that's bullshit. In my nineteen years of life, I've never slept with a girl. I know it looks crazy but it's utterly true.

I don't know anything about sex. I've watched some videos and I've heard some friends conversing about it, but I've never live it.

It's not as if girls don't want to, I won't flatter myself but there are plenty of girls who want to sleep with me and date me, it's just that I don't want to.

I kissed some, nothing more. I've never been interested because she was and always will be the one that I want.

Strangely, I'm changing for her. I stopped taking drugs, I'm not an addict, I was just trying to find an escape, which didn't work at all.

I didn't stop fighting... for now. Mostly everyone who knows me thinks that I fight for my livelihood, including Aiden. But I'm fighting because it's a liberation for me, not because I need money.

I have a crazy 'family'. I don't even know if it's called 'family' because I hardly have a conversation with my parents, they're rarely home. Since what happened years ago they utterly abandoned me.

I was always alone when I was a kid, always in my corner, always angry, which I'm still.

Then, my parents decided to move to America and that's how I went to St Jones High school, where I met the team and started hanging out with them.

I met Aiden and she oddly helped me through my hard times. Since then, she's the only girl in my heart.

Aiden P.O.V :

"Hey, Aiden," I turn around and see my friend running towards me like a sweaty pig. I laugh at her appearance, she's out of breath.

"You need physical practice, Aven, you didn't run a lot but you're sweating like a pig," I say jokingly.

"Oh, stop miss perfect body, it's easy for you to say. Have you seen the difference between your body and mine ?. You have tone muscle. I have... fat," She says with a disgusted face. Which makes me laugh so much.

"Anyway, I was running for a reason... Have you seen the new student ?" She says all content.

I haven't heard of a new student.
"Umm... no," I say, uninterested.

"Well darling, you're missing something... he's so handsome, come on I'll show you, he must be here," She says, dragging me down the hall.

When we reach the corridor, where the lockers are I see a group of girls in the corner, they are looking at something... well, someone.

"Here he is," Aven says. She shows me a boy near his locker, he's reading a paper.

Yeah, shit, he's handsome, I can't say overwise. He seems concentrated. He shows no interest in the girls drowning over him. I like that.

"What his name ?"

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