chapter 13

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Morning has arrived pretty swiftly. Blake situation was a calamity and because of my lack of sleep, I'm now suffering from a severe headache.

Today was supposed to be the burial of Blake's parents but he said that he won't attend the funeral, Mason tried to persuade him but he said that he has already cried for his mother and that he was ready to move on.


The day was fast, we didn't saw the time past. We didn't do anything particularly during the day, we just talked, cooked and trying to cheer Blake up.

Right now we're in the living room, except the children, they are sleeping upstairs.

We are chatting and joking​ while trying to give a good vibe, we want Blake to feel a bit better, but evidently it doesn't work at all, he's quiet as a lamb.

A loud knock on the front door stops our conversation. We all turn our heads towards the door.

"Do you have guests ?" Mason asks to Aven.

"No... my entire family isn't here, for now. I told you they were on a business trip," Replies Aven with a frown.

"I'm going to see who it is," I stand up nonchalantly and walk towards the door but suddenly Jay run past me, he turns towards me and tell me that he'll open the door, with a big smile on his face. Ah this dude.

When he opens the door we don't have time to deal with what's going on, it happens so fast.

A man who is a hundred times bigger than Jay push him cruelly and walk into the living room as if it's his own. He's cocky and scary by his appearance.

Then, three other men enter the living room. I can hear the gasp from Rachel. Two men have a gun in their hands. They look less scary than the first man, but they still have that intimidating look.

The man who went into first, storms towards where Blake is sitting and grab him by his collar, which forces him to stand up.

"Little piece of shit!" Screams the man in Blake's face while banging him to the wall.

I can feel tears forming in my eyes, I can't look at this, this is a torture!

"What are you doing ? Get the fuck out of here!" Shouts Mason.

Then, one of the men with the gun hits him in the face, I can hear the crack of his bone from where I'm standing.

Aven's screams and falls on the icy floor. I'm like paralyzed again, I can't move nor utter a word. My eyes are wide open with tears in it, my mouth ajar.

One of the men suddenly look at me, I start shivering uncontrollably. His gaze is so dark. I try to hide my fear as much as I can. Then he stops looking at me and looks at the man who is pinning Blake to the wall.

"Where the fuck did your parents put the money?" Asks the man. Blake has a freaking blank expression on his face, as if nothing is happening.

"I won't ask again. Where. Is. The. Money ?" He asks more threatening this time.

When Blake makes no effort to answer him, he gets something out of his pants, a gun...of course. He then aims it at Blake's head. Oh no.

Everyone are silent in the room. We're all too shocked to do anything.

"Are you going to talk now?" Blake's eyes lands of me. I don't know what to do. I stay still, looking at him.

"I don't know what you're talking about," He whispers. Suddenly his face turns from calm to scary.

"Look man, if you talk now it's going to be better because I don't think you'll like to see your friends being shot in the head," Says a man who's standing next to Mason.

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