chapter 39

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"So, I'm listening," I say to Laura.

She gives me a look that I'm not understanding and then she walks towards the edge of the bed and she takes a seat. 

"Yesterday, the police were here, they tried to interrogate me," She says, her eyes aren't on me, but they are fixed on the floor. 

"For what reason?" Well, I'm not dumb, I knew something like this would happen, this is the reason why I called Laura instead of the ambulance. In this kind of situation police always get involved though I don't know for what this time, is it because of the accident or something else?

"I'm not sure, but as I said to Aiden, it can be the hospital who reported abuse on children," She states, and I'm not even shocked, of course, the hospital would think this way.

I snicker and close my eyes, "Well, tell them that it wasn't 'child abuse'," I say as nonchalant as possible.

She clear her throat, I can hear the rattling sound of it and she continues, "I already did, they came this morning... they were asking to see the parents of the children and... and I told them that the father is in a very bad state and that he can't be disturbed."

Her last sentence compels me to open my eyes, I search her eyes and finally she looks at me. With a frown on my face, I try to utter a word but nothing is getting out. With all the pain that I have now it's as if I have double of it.

"What did you do?" My voice sounding as rough as it never been. 

"I did what was best for the children, Aiden, and you," She says quietly. I know that she's trying to calm everything because she knows I'm starting to boil. 

"And what did you think was best?" I swear I can feel my teeth grating against each other. 

"I made some false papers to show that you're my son and that Aiden is-..."

"Wait, wait, wait, what!? Why did you-..."

"It was the only solution that could get you all out of this. You know if they investigate what will happe-..."

"I don't give a shit about them, let them investigate, they'll find nothing, anyway. What you did is a risk-taking, are you becoming stupid or what?" My anger is rising and rising, I feel so hot suddenly, and I can feel my head pulsating again.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that!" She yells as if I have to ask for forgiveness now or hide in my little corner. I think she doesn't understand that I'm an adult and that I have the right to talk to her the way I want.

"I can talk to you the way I want and you have no right to yell at me when it's you who are doing stupid things!" Damn, I can feel the vein in my neck getting bigger, and my jaw is aching.

"I didn't do anything stupid, I just helped you, I'm helping you!"

"It's far from the word 'helping'. You're digging our graves," I look away as soon as I finish my sentence. Goodness, her presence is toxic, like very toxic, she makes me want to get off this bed and to walk or if I can run far away from her. 

"I think you need to rest, we will talk later," She says and I can feel the bed lifting, which means she gets up. 

"There's nothing to talk about," I say while my eyes are still fixed on the other side of the bed.

"You will have to," She says softly and walk out of the room.

I sigh and curse as much as I can. Shit, it's a mess, I should have known better than calling her, I know she's my aunt and everything but sometimes she's over the edge. I know that she's more mature, competent and professional than me, but damn it, she doesn't realize what she's doing, creating fake papers? it's a crime, it's not taken lightly by England officers.

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