chapter 59

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The place is dark, only the light of some candles are brightening the place. I tiptoe down the hall, having no clue where they are. All doors are closed, well, not all, a door is ajar to my left.

I take a look at the end of the small corridor and push the door open, then close it behind me. The room is plunged into darkness, my eyes are useless because even though they're open it's has if they are closed. No view, no sound.

Suddenly, I hear a whimper. "Acher!" I whisper as I touch everything that comes underneath my fingers. Something hard and cold touch my skin and I move on because it's not Acher. I move forward, arms outstretched in front of me, feet touching the ground with prudence.

"Acher, can you hear me?" I ask, but after a moment I scowl myself mentally for been so dumb, why the freak did I asked him if he heard me, the boy just said a word the other day and now I thought he would reply, 'oh yes, Blake, I'm here', how stupid I am. Moments of tension aren't my thing, they drive me really crazy.

After a moment of pure silence, I hear another thing, a cry this time. I use my sense of listening and rush to my left. Something connects with my palms and I realize that it's a table, something metallic. I move my fingers in all the way until they touch something that seems to be skin, skin as cold as a dead body.

When my hand comes in contact with the hair, I realize it's him, it's him! I trail my fingers down his stomach until I reach his waist and clutch him against me, giving him a tight hug. He stops making noises as soon as his little body touches mine.

"It's me, baby, it's me," I say, stroking his hair. A sudden movement draws my attention, a silhouette, no, silhouettes appear between the gap at the bottom of the closing door, silhouettes that are walking in the other direction, towards... the room that I was.

My eyes go wide and I start panicking. "Okay, Blake, you can do that," I say and take a deep breath, then I walk toward the door and wait until I'm sure that there's nobody behind that door and when I'm convinced enough, I open it quietly and peek outside and I meet the soft light of candles and an empty hallway.

We get out of the room completely and I close the door behind me in slow motion as I never did before. I'm perspiring though it's cold as hell. The stress overwhelms me and I feel that I will faint anytime soon.

I walk down the small hallway and enter a room which is supposed to be a living room... I presume. There are couches covered with large plastics and there's a table in the middle, a bookshelf with no books at all and a plant which seems to be lifeless and just in front of me, there is the path of freedom, a sliding glass door is right in front of me, waiting for me to open it and to get away from here.

As I'm rushing towards the door, my injured thigh hits the table which is in the middle, making me hiss with pain. "Oh my God," I murmur and lean forward because the pain is unbearable, a knife in the flesh.

"He isn't there!" I hear the deep bitter voice of a man not too far from me and it forces me to get out of the house right now even if my thigh is aching like hell.
I slide the glass door open and I'm shared with the outside. The rain, the rain is falling so hard, the land is cold and wet under my bare feet who are lamenting about not having shoes on.

I hold Acher more tightly against me, wrapping my arms securely around him, and I start trotting to the other side, towards the dark long trees, with one goal in mind, getting away from whenever I am and find the girls.



My body releases the rest of its energy and, with unsteady legs, I fall on the ground with Eldon in my arms. A cry leaves my mouth as I lay sprawl on the humid ground, feeling the grass beneath me. My legs still shaking and hurting.

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