chapter 46

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Waiting in the living room, I'm sitting next to an excited Acher who is steadily screaming and moving his legs while Eldon is standing and playing with her Barbies on the coffee table.

"Okay, we can go," Blake appears behind me, he's carrying his luggage and he has another bag on his shoulder.

"We can't go like that, what about the electricity?" I demand as I look around me, we can't leave a house like this with the electricity meter turned on, this isn't right, in addition, it can create a fire, who knows?

"What about it?" He asks not caring much about the house.

"We can't leave this house like this, Blake," he sighs and places his luggage behind the couch and puts his bag next to Acher—who immediately start grabbing every part of it— and then he walks towards the door.

"Where are you going?" I ask while I watch him with concern.

"You stay here, I'm going to turn the electricity off," He replies and walks out of the house.

I breathe a deep sigh and curl my arms around my chest. I can feel stress building in me as I keep perceiving that we are moving away, again, besides, I have no idea where he is taking us and I don't know for what reason we are leaving after all.

My eyes rest on Acher and I realize he is putting the bag strap into his mouth, sucking it as if he were tasting delicious food.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't put this in your mouth," I say as I wait for him to get it out of his mouth, but instead, he keeps it inside and looks at me, then, a hysterical laugh leave his mouth, which forces me to snicker.

"Come on, get this out, baby," He laughs again, then drops it from his mouth, saliva dripping on his chin and down on his clean t-shirt. I rush into his bag and grab one of his towel and wipe his chin and his t-shirt.

"You see what happens. You should never put things in your mouth, it's bad, big boy," I say firmly while I place his t-shirt properly on him.

"what is happening?" Blake comes in and grabs his bag putting it on his shoulder.

"Nothing, he was putting the straps of your bag in his mouth," I reply as I grab my bag placing the straps on my shoulder.

"You're becoming a big boy, huh?" Blake says, mimicking a high pitch voice which doesn't suit him at all, on the contrary, it's sort of scary.

"Okay, let's go," He says and seizes his luggage. I grab Acher in my arms and Blake holds Eldon's hand as we walk out of the house, he puts the lock on, putting the keys in the pocket of his jeans.

He begins to walk, I follow close behind, and as he has trouble walking, we're mostly walking in very slow motion. I can see that he is looking at both side of him as we keep walking, I can feel panic mounting in him, something is amiss, and it scares me.

We arrive at end of the path and the first thing I see is a black car in front of us, not Blake's, unquestionably a car I had never seen before. It looks like Blake Range Rover, but this one is less calibrated. 
We reach the doors, Blake opens the trunk and throws his luggage in, then he grabs mine and places it inside.

"There's no baby chair for Acher," He closes the trunk and stares at me, indeed, there's no baby chair for him and putting him in the back without a baby chair can be very risky he just come out of an operation, he's still fragile.

"I'll go in the backseat and he'll sit on me," I say, I guess that's the best option we have, so I'll be sure that he'll be safe, he won't move in all the directions.

Blake nods approving what I said, then he heads at the other side, towards the driver seat, I keep looking at him, the question swirling on the tip of my tongue, where the hell did he pulled this car from?

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