chapter 30

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Three years ago

Passing back and forths in the waiting room, my hands are stuck to my hair, I'm waiting like a fool for the doctor to come out and to announce to me the good news that I'm waiting... hoping to hear.

Finally, today is the day where mom is giving birth to my little sister. I have never been so happy, so excited. The feeling of knowing that I will be a big sister is overwhelming.

It's been nine long months, being here for my mom, helping her, not letting her do things she wasn't reckoned to do. This pregnancy was horrible though, mom didn't want to give birth to this baby and she made us understand her motives. In her second months, she tried to kill the baby and at her sixth months she tried to commit suicide, which was a trauma to me.

I'm conscious that it will be difficult, extremely difficult. I don't know what happened before she was pregnant with her, but she made it obvious that she didn't want this baby, and that's makes me very angry.

Suddenly, the doctor comes out of the operating room, a green mask on his face. He approaches me and gets his mask off. I try to study his face to see if I can distinguish a small thing, a smile or something like that. I can feel sweat forming on my forehead, I've never felt so nervous, so terrified.

"Congratulations, you have a sister. You may get in now, but your mum is sleeping," He says which causes a huge smile to loom on my face, but then, his face expression shifts from happy to something different.

"But, I have to tell you that your mother almost fell into a coma, this is why the procedure took so long. Your mother couldn't push her, so we had to proceed a cesarean," He says.

I nod and sigh, god, I was thinking of the worst. Then, he permits me to enter the room, which I do without a second thought.

I can't wait to meet my little sister. My blood... my lifesaver.


Present day

A cold breeze tickles my skin and force me to open my eyes. I look around me and rub my face, then my sleepy eyes land next to me on the bed, and I understand that Blake is already awake, cause he's not beside me anymore.

I look at the time on my phone, and it's 8:09. I lament of tiredness and sit up straight– well, I attempt to sit straight. My head is pulsating and my body is aching.

I solely slept four hours, and during those four hours I woke up several times because of the nightmares I was constantly having.
Have you ever felt as if your body was leaving you? That is precisely what I'm feeling.

What Blake has told me hours ago is still in my mind. The way he was staring at me– beseeching me, was a melancholy scene.
For the first time, I've tried to be comprehensive about the 'drugs' subject, I told him that I understood him, even though I don't. But I'm endeavouring my best to be comprehensive towards him, because I'm convinced that it's the only way to maintain a relationship.

I've also told him that I'll help him, but of course, he said that no one can help him, not even me, but eventually I've scolded him and told him that I will, even if he doesn't want me to help him.

With another sigh, I get out of the bed and out of the room. I don't bother to wash my face or my teeth, because I'm not finding the courage to do so.

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