Chapter 1

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"This is going to be a long summer" I muttered under my breath. I just arrived at this godforsaken small town. I am already pissed. It is a small town with very few people. And from what I have observed in the last 10 minutes waiting for my mom to pick me up is that everyone knows everyone. They talk and would actually make you stop midway to talk to you. Not small talk but talk. Like they have known you all your life. I guess then there are no secrets in this town since everyone knows everybody. "Where are you mother?" I muttered again only this time an old guy stopped and asked me "Who is it I am waiting for?". Well aren't I glad for this oldie to stop and ask me. As if I need any more attention. Does he not know me? How could he not? Everyone back home said I am the splitting image of my mother and she has been living here for years now. Plus, this is her hometown. So how is it that he does not recognize me by just looking at me. Ah seems like I have to answer oldie otherwise he would not leave me alone. "I am waiting for my mother, Adeline Cobwell." His expression changed to a shock. Then to disbelief. Nice I thought. So, I guess he did not know my mother that well. I guess I was wrong about this town. Everyone does not know everyone. I might just be able to survive without being held by people to talk to them. Also, by the looks there seems to be no one my age. Where are all the young people I thought?

I flew here but since this town is so hidden, I had to take a local train to arrive at this destination. I do not even want to remember the name of this place. It is somewhere on the east coast and that it is somewhat near the sea. I know there are beaches here, I mean I did google this place or tried to. But then I got angry and left it alone. So, I know nothing about this place and now I have to wait for my mother who seems to have forgotten about my arrival. I have no idea where she lives therefore, I cannot go. Plus, I do not have my car with me to able to drive and figure it out. So, waiting is the only option, well at least for a while till I get bored and start to explore on my own. As if there is much to explore. Ugh I hate this place already. And I have been here for...and I looked at my watch. Oh! shit I have been waiting for half an hour now. 'Where are you mother?' I thought again. In front of me people shuffled. The oldie left me as soon as I told him my mother's name. Guess she is famous or should I dare say infamous. Woah. My simpleton mother, the one who thought that it was better if I lived with my dad, as she could not cope with the glamorous city life of California. She just up and left me I guess that might make her known here. I mean how many people run away from their family with the vaguest reason possible. If she had done it for career, money or even another guy I would not have been so pissed. But that vague as fuck reason always sounded like some bull shit to me. Not that I heard it many times. Only the few times I was forced to hear it from my dear dad. But I did not dare tell my dad that I thought he was lying. He is...well let's just say avoiding confrontations with him is good. You do not want to be on the receiving end of his anger. He is a complicated man, I guess. And I was somehow always on the receiving end of it. Also, the fact that I reminded him of my mother did not help my case.

"How do you know Adeline child?" An elderly woman asked me this time. "How? Are you kidding me right now? She is my mother. Can't you see or do I not look exactly like her? I have always been told I am her splitting image." Now I am angry. Why are all these people staring as if I am a prize or better yet I the last slice of pizza. Huh that sounded funny in my head.

"No child you must be mistaken. Adeline does not have a child. You do look a lot like her. But I have known her all my life and I know she does not have a child. If she did, she would have definitely told me."

"Are you serious right now Granny? I am here waiting for my mother and you say she is not my mother? Are you fucking kidding me right now? The woman who destroyed. my life now hid me as well. You know what tell her 'Fuck You' if you see her. And since you know her so well ask her 'who the Fuck is Abbie Wells?'. You guys are unbelievable." I turned and walked away from there. I could stand there anymore. Who does she think she is to say to me Adeline is not my mother? Does she even know her? Whatever I am out of here. Since my dad shipped me here and my mother did not even bother to pick me up. I guess I am on my own. Well thank god for that. I would love to get the hell out of here. I am Abbie Wells and I just turned 17. And I suppose this is now my life's story. Aren't I a 'keeper'?

I did not have much. I just had a suitcase with me and money. Yeah, I have money with me. The one good thing my dad did before throwing me out for summer, I think it is for the summer. The good thing was he opened me a new bank account and deposited some money for 'emergency'. But since he did all the arrangements so fast. It seemed to me he was planning all this for a while and that fateful night was the last straw. You see I am not a bad girl. I am just your average manipulative teenage bitch. And I own that shit. I have money, well excuse me my dad has money which I spend rather extravagantly. Never felt guilty about it. Why should I? He never gave a fuck about it as long as I did not spoil his name. I have no idea what he did for living. All I knew he was rich, we had money and a big house just for me since he was out most time anyways. That was the only thing I was glad about. Because whenever he was home it did not end well for me. So, I would much rather be alone in the mansion than with him thank you very much. My mother left when I was very young. I do not remember much about her. And as soon as she left my dad burned all pictures of her. So, no evidence of how she looked. And any time I asked as a kid well after receiving some hateful words I was told to look at the mirror and I would know how she looked like. So, you see I am the splitting image of her, and my dad could not even stand to look at me. The more I grew up the angrier he was towards me. According to him, I destroyed his life. And for me my mother did for not taking me with her when she left. She left me to rot with that monster. He loved to keep me locked up in that 'castle' of his. When she left, we switched houses and thus the neighborhood. So new neighborhood, new school, no memories, or ties with my mother except me. My routine was to go to school and then come back home. I did not participate much in extra curriculars. Well I did not have energy much cause I was always exhausted trying to keep up the façade of a quiet good girl. At least in school. Well that changed when I entered high school. I became the popular girl because I threw parties almost every weekend. And most of my parties always got out of hand. Also, I dated guys left and right. Well not exactly dated. Just used them. Like a toy or arm candy till I got bored or found a new one. At least that's what people said about me in school. In reality I dated them till they got close to ask me to be their girlfriend. I ran every time that happened. Why? Simple cause once I agree they would want to go on dates after school and meet my family. I am not supposed to leave my house after school so what am I supposed to say to get out of that date. So, I got out before it got serious ever. I still do not know if dad installed cameras or not to catch me sneaking out but somehow, I knew every time I tried to he caught me. And after receiving the punishment for three times it was enough for me to never risk it again. Well let's just say I like to be alive. I am still young to die. So, I brought the date to my house via parties and 'get together' or 'gatherings'. That is what my neighbors knew. If only that was the case.

Now I am free at least for the summer. I mean he did not say anything about fall. I still have to finish high school. But for now I am free to do whatever I want. I mean I am at a new place. With no friends. Well I did not have many friends back home either. No one knew my story what they knew was the façade I presented. Whether the sad girl in middle school or the party girl in high school, none of those were me. Hence now my real life commences. Except where the hell am I? I have been walking from the station for a while now and I have no idea where I am going. Huh. This place looks really deserted and secluded. Like a town that is hidden away or tucked away from the eyes of the world. I like it maybe I could disappear here. Become someone create a new identity no one will ever know. Except my mother already lives here somewhere and she would know. I need to find a place of my own, something like this. A hidden gem of a place.

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