Chapter 7

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We waited a few minutes before someone came and admitted Ryan and his friends. The place looked pretty much empty. I mean who would come by car at 5 am and not call ambulance or 911. I guess us. I called Adeline and Jane as soon as the doctor admitted them. I could not before cause they all started barfing as soon as we stepped in the hospital. And the five of us were not enough to handle all seven of them. Especially since neither of them were sober enough either. As soon as Adeline and Jane arrived, they asked me to drop them off at their respective houses. Jane told me to go drop them off and rest before I come back. I think they were both happy I was acting a tad bit responsible. Like Jane was proud and she said while pointing out the fact that I indeed looked after Ryan like she asked, while Adeline hugged me tightly and showered me with kisses. Yes, that is her way to show I guess, emotion any sort of emotion be it happiness, pride, or joy. I am getting used to it, she does this every so often. It was a bit awkward though when I had an audience, especially when said audience did not know I am Adeline's daughter. So, their gawking expressions soon turned in to quizzical looks. But I ignored them.

"I will drop all of you only on two condition. One, none of you will tell other people about what you just saw and two do not ask me any questions about any of it." They all nodded. I guess they were super tired. They all gave me their numbers when I dropped them off one by one. They want to meet and also to know how the group is doing. the last one to drop off was Riley. So, when we were in the car alone, I got the feeling she wanted to ask something or say something.

"Riley, what do you want to talk about I get the sense you want to talk. So, talk."

"Oh, it's nothing. It's just...umm... you do know that when they said they want to meet they mean meet as in one on one meet right? Like not a group meet or anything. I don't know I just thought I should inform you."

"Cool. But I figured as much. Except Vincent, I think. Are you guys like a thing?"

"No, but don't tell anyone." I zipped my mouth and locked and threw it away gesturing it is locked, I am not going to tell anyone. She took a couple seconds before continuing. "But I wish we were though." I nodded. I got the sense there was something going on there, but it is none of my business. I had enough growth for me in one night I am not setting them up or helping them just yet. Plus, I need to scope out how Vincent is and Riley as well. Although she is already in my good books. She did help me with Ryan and kind of gave me sweet spot to hide if needed. Speaking of.

"Hey Riley does the offer still stand to visit the Light House?"

"Yeah sure. Not today or tomorrow though. I need a couple days but sure yeah definitely. I am sure it would be fun, and I do not think you would be grumpy like Vincent since you actually want to go. Wow you actually want to go with me." She sounded surprised and happy, but I will ask later since we reached her house. We quickly exchanged numbers and I saved her number with her name instead of boy 1 and boy 2 like I did with the rest except Vincent. I am bad I should have asked their names. I just felt bad I forgot and then I did not want them to know I forgot, so I just saved like that. Figured I could text them and trick them into saying their name later on when or if we meet.

As soon as I reached home. Wait did I just call this place home? Whoa okay. Talk about development. Am I getting attached? Am I liking to live here? I think both the answers are yes. When did this happen? I started feeling too tired thinking everything. I just took a shower and quickly changed out of clothes which are now... well they have a little bit of everything from food, to drinks, sand, mud, blood and even a bit of vomit. Nice. They need thorough cleaning if I decide to keep them and not burn them.

I woke up very late and walking out of my room I saw Jane and Ade perched on the couch watching something and talking. Jane noticed me approaching them.

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