Chapter 6

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Warning: Mention of drug use


I was wrong. I was so very wrong. When I said this party would not be like the ones I used to throw. It is exactly like that except it is out in the open so even better. There is food, alcohol, boys, and girls chasing each other, games, stupid games, people puking. And since it is no one's house therefore, no need to worry about cleaning the puke or cleaning stains. So more relaxed. I was quickly welcomed at the party by a group of strangers. And soon I met a whole new bunch of people. I do not remember any of their names, even though they all introduced themselves to me. All the girls seem cool till now and the guys are mostly okay. I learned they all go to the high school in this town and then there is another one in a distance and that they have some kind of rivalry between them. They have been rivals for generations almost. So, naturally everyone asked me where I go. I just said that I would obviously go the school here. I mean why would I travel more plus they seem cool enough. Ryan disappeared as soon as we arrived. He was right about one thing. His group of six friends vanished somewhere and stayed there the whole night. Well that is until people started leaving and I noticed them in a corner sitting roasting marshmallows. Well what do you know? They actually did that.

Once I found Ryan, I kept an eye on him. I don't know why but I did. Everyone was drunk by now. Those who stayed were drunk but still kept on drinking. Some left with their partners or were extremely drunk and were forced to leave because of that. I am sure there were some drugs being passed around as well at this party, but I did not notice anyone taking them openly. I was a little buzzed but not drunk out of my mind. I can hold my alcohol I guess drinking every weekend for the past two years helped me. I can drink enough to get buzzed yet stay alert of my surroundings. And suddenly I felt I needed to. Not sure why. Maybe from the horrors of my past made me think this way. But no matter what I was on high alert. It was almost 2 am now and the party was still in roar. Not sure how there was still alcohol left as well as food. But there were. I was dancing with a couple of people. No idea what their names were. I forgot as soon as they told me. A thing about me is I tend to not remember stuff I do not hold important especially names of people and places. So, in that sense I guess Ryan is important to me. Well he is my first sort of friend here. Actually, he might be my first friend in general who knows stuff about me. Back home no one knew my story, even my so-called friends. So, in a way he is important to me, but I never told him that yet. I should maybe sometime soon I would... but right now dancing is way more fun, and I am not about to waste my time at the party thinking of ways to make Ryan known he is important to me. Therefore, I kept on dancing and enjoying the cool summer night's breeze. The high school here finished exams two days ago, therefore, this is their first summer party. Apparently, they do it every year to kick of summer. It is somewhat of a tradition in this town to kick of summer with a bonfire party. Sounds like summer camp to me but who am I to complain or criticize a party. It is a party after all that is all that matters to me.

I was bouncing to the rhythm of an unknown song when I saw three guys approach Ryan's group. From the looks of it I got a bad feeling. Somehow, I knew they were not his friends and were not there in a friendly way. Who knew I would be helping someone at a party? The old me would have vanished by now with the 'latest catch'. But tonight, I would not return to an empty house. And that small thought made me so happy that I kept grinning all night. I never realized how much I hated living alone at that house until now. Until tonight. Yes, technically I never left for parties, but I did leave the house metaphysically. So, when I realized I would return to a house with two human beings my joy knew no bound. Hence the change in my attitude, I believe. I have to say it did make me look at the world with a different view. Mind you this view of mine has alcohol mixed with happiness. But I like the view. It is not so bleak. I continued dancing to a new song now. Some people came to talk to me about what sports I play. I was confused why they wanted to ask me that now of all times. Like at a party and also at almost 3 am. Then I realized they are drunk out of their wits end and they also look somewhat high. That did not make me feel good. I know how fucked up they would feel tomorrow. I asked two idiot guys, who were trying to burn their footwears in the fire, to accompany them home. They did not like me saying it but even these drunken fools knew I was right as soon as they saw these people. They were a mix of guys and girls. And their condition scared me to be honest. Blood shot eyes, dreary look and slurred up words and none of them could even stand still without shaking for a second. It just made me turn to check on Ryan instantly. As the bad feeling in my stomach returned. And this time I walked up to his group.

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