Chapter 37

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Today is the Halloween party. The event. The air is buzzed for this event and it has been throughout this week at school, everyone kept discussing their costumes, where to meet, where to stay afterwards. It is a big deal. It is for me since I have never been to a Halloween specific party before. I was invited but I was not allowed to go. I tried to throw one but without the decorations it was a bust, the only party I ever threw which turned out to be a bust. Plus, I never wore costumes. So, there is that. Everything is new this year and I am buzzing with excitement. Well I sound like a bee now. Oh well! Point me in the direction of the honey! Am I right? Moving on from the very cringey joke my brain just made for me, but at least thank you brain for trying to take off the tension that has been radiating from my room since Wednesday.

Why you ask? Well the source of this tension is none other than my brown eyed best friend who is currently my roommate, who is not only staying at my house, but in my room, yet will not talk to me. Like literally stay on the couch till I fall asleep to come to sleep just so that she would not have to wish me night. If only I knew the reason now why is she avoiding me. Wait has it got anything to do with Krystal? I mean she did seem off whenever she saw me with Krystal, and Krystal seems more and more by my side whenever she sees Riley. So odd these two. They talked, and still do but Krystal wants me by her side whenever they do, and I am sure that pisses Riley off. It sure did piss her off a whole lot when we went to shop for our costumes, and I came home late. She was the one who said we need to talk, and then she was the one who literally backed away from the idea because I was late on Wednesday after shopping.

Today will be fun and I mean that in a total sarcastic way. No hint just full of sarcasm. Why? Well you see I was going with Krystal to the party. It was decided, then Riley started insinuating that it might not be a good idea in front of everyone yesterday at home, and at school. Which led everyone to back me into a corner to agree to take Riley with me especially since she is staying with me. Little did anyone know she is not talking to me, now not even a simple 'yes' or 'no'. Nothing. No words. And now I have to take her to the party. Fuck. Only good thing I told Jane and Ade that I will only take her if I can take Krystal with me. They did not say anything except Jane told me that she thought I was just taking Riley along with us, as in she already knew, me and Krystal were going together, and I should just add Riley along. Ade then told me to not leave Krystal alone as well, implying to bring her back here if she agrees. So, I am extremely ecstatic. Like buzzing with energy excitement. Even though October 31st is tomorrow but the party is today. Being as today is Saturday, thereby having Sunday before school on Monday to recover from the respective hangovers. It is a tactic used by Tony every year, as he hosts the party every year.

Tony's Halloween party is apparently the most famous party here just like his back to school party. It has been a tradition for the Williamsons to host these two parties. It is a tradition for many years apparently. His dad did, then his elder brother and even his elder sisters, and now him. Only difference being this time the whole town is not invited, well everyone except people going to the private school. And also, he is appointing real security to check school ids. Which is very weird, but I guess a necessary measure after the Summer Kick-off party. That was the scariest thing I have ever witnessed in a party, the drugs and their aftereffects. And most of this town agrees with my sentiment. In a way the segregation between the public and private school which was not visible except for the apparent rivalry is now huge and caused a rift through the townsfolk. Three people created this divide and since they were released this division just escalated from there. Now it is not just a rivalry anymore it is so much more.

Security will check our ids before we enter the party, to let us in but no guards or anyone official will be inside, as alcohol will be present, and we are still in high school. His parents know this, and they have their own party where the adults are invited. Only rule of this party is not to trash his house. Well I do not think anyone would want to. Plus, he decorated his house as a full Halloween horror house. Can't say haunted house, more like it is homage to all the horror films he saw. I know this because Sasha helped him decorate and she sent me some pictures while decorating. And I went there as well yesterday after practice to help set up the horror cave entry. Apparently, he transformed his house to a cave where you can witness parts of horror movie's homages in different branches of the cave. This helped him cutoff entry to rooms in his house except the bathrooms. And I have the keys to those locked rooms, because no one would suspect me to have the keys. Plus, me and Krystal are invited to stay with Sasha even though I declined because I know Krystal is not comfortable with the idea. Sasha and Tony are neighbors, interesting tidbit I learned yesterday. I do not know why I did not know this already, especially after the back to school party.

After lunch I picked up Krystal seeing as we will be going together, and I have her costume with me here. Riley just glared at me when I brought Krystal here. Krystal held my hand tightly as she came to my house and my room, seeing as Ryan was here as well. She said hi to everyone as she entered and this time, she did not inspect the house, which makes sense since she has already been here. She perched herself on my bed as soon as we entered my room. She kept sitting on my bed with her knees drawn up close and chin placed on them, while cutely looking at me, eyeing my every movement. I knew she was watching me, so I jumped around more, just to make her laugh. And it did. We kept fooling around, well more like me jumping around and make a fool of myself, and Krystal just watching me and laughing wholeheartedly, till I heard my door open and Riley come in. She just stood at the door frame and eyed both of us, glaring at me and looking at Krystal for...something. I don't know what though? It scares me a little, but something inside me tells me that she is looking out for her sister. I really hope I am right in thinking this. Well I ignored her glare continued making a fool of myself, till I was tired, and I jumped on the bed making Krystal widen her eyes and burst out laughing seeing my exhausted face. She took in my head on her lap and brushed my hair, a new tingling sensation wrapped me when she did that. The way she touched my cheek, cradled my head made me feel so safe, so cared for. I like this new thing Krystal did. It seems like she is doing new things very often, and every time I get a totally new sensation.

The electricity is still there, which I feel every time she kisses my cheek, which she does so very often especially in the last week. Then the tingle I felt along with the shiver that ran down my spine and now this. And she just bent down and kissed my forehead. Would you look at that! The care and something were very apparent from that gesture. But what is the second thing I felt from that kiss? And why can't I put my finger on what that second thing is? I know the effect I felt from it. My whole body became very alert for a second before a warm feeling ran down. Like someone submersed me in a warm bath, and I was very cold before. I did not know what overcame me that I just hugged her tightly to me and my tears sprang out of my eyes before I could even stop them. Krystal pulled me up, hugged me tightly, then brought my face in front of her wiping my tears, kissing them away. That was the sweetest gesture I have ever encountered from anyone in my life. It made me feel so grateful to have her in my life. My whole body vibrated when she did that, and this new warmth settled with a tingle. Along with the electric current running through me. And I kissed the crown of her head, her forehead, her cheeks, her nose, her whole face except her lips. I could not quite possibly make myself kiss her yet. I want to, believe me I want to. But I also do want to make her uncomfortable and the gesture of care she showed me took away my urge to kiss her. It did however urge me to bring her to my lap, which she welcomed, and she placed her head on my chest.

All the while Riley just stood there at my door, silently glaring at me. I could feel her eyes on the back of my neck. But I did not turn to see her. So, she came to sit on my bed, I know this because my bed dipped a little before her voice reached my ear.

"So, we should start getting dressed don't you think?" She said nonchalantly totally ignoring the fact that I have my back turned to her and Krystal is on my lap. And I am so not ready to let her go just yet. I need a few moments before we start getting ready. I did not reply Krystal nudged me a little to say something, but I did not want to disturb the sanctity of the moment, of the bubble I was in. We both were in it to some extent, and Riley was just outside of it, looking in. It would have continued to be this poetic peace had Riley not placed her hand on my back. It was a friendly gesture but felt like it meant anything but. So, I just nodded, just to get some more moments before we transform into someone else. Krystal moved her head to look at me and softly placed her hand on my cheek making me look down and locking my eyes with her. Her eyes spoke so much volumes. Not sure what was happening or even why, but the care was visible in depths along with the second thing. The same second thing which I have been struggling to understand, to figure out. Krystal just blushed at my stare. Her ears, face and even her neck grew red before she kissed my chin and hid her face in my shirt, giggling. I hugged her tightly realizing that I cannot let anything happen to her anymore every again. I have to protect her at all costs.

I also realized my next steps which is necessary and are needed even though it will literally break my heart if she moves away. But I have to do everything in order to protect her, I just cannot sit back anymore. I will talk to Ade and Jane and possibly with Kate tomorrow. Or when Kate is back in town. This cannot go on; this abuse she faces. And Kate might just help since it is her husband or ex, who is the source for Krystal's pain. That also means I need to talk to Riley. Shit! That might be more difficult that talking to the elders. It would be a long week next week, I can just feel it. Hope tonight's party proves a necessary distraction for all that is to come next week, for all that is about to be unleashed and spilled out in the open. 

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