Chapter 16

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Riley ended up staying with us for a week. It was really difficult for me to sneak out to go to the light house without her knowing. But the second day she knew where I was going. I was sure she would stop me or ask to come. But she never did. I think she thought I wanted to escape her. But no, all I wanted was to see Krystal. See that Sunday night after I gave Krystal the note, saying that my friends were going, and I would protect her. And that I won't tell anyone about her staying there. I also gave her my cell number hoping she would text me. Hoping she had a cell phone even. I didn't really know much about her, and I was not sure if she would have a cell phone or not. She looked younger than me, but I didn't know how old she was then. And right when I was about to fall asleep after binge watching the first season of Riverdale with Riley that night, my phone buzzed. And there it was a simple one-word text, 'Krystal'. Nothing more. But it was enough to send my heart in a frenzy and instead of sleeping I sneaked out, got Jane's car keys, and went straight to the light house.

I saw her sitting in the room, she was not sleeping either. It seemed like she was waiting for me. As soon as she saw me entering the room, she came near me and sat. Not very near but near enough for me to actually be able to see her. She knew I was looking for new bruises or cuts. I saw none and then I smiled at her and she smiled at me. We stayed like that almost all night. Neither of us spoke yet neither of us slept either. I went back home at around 5. Needless to say, I did not sleep that night, even after coming back home. I kept on replaying the scene in my head. Nothing much happened yet it felt like something huge happened. I got up around 7 to make breakfast when I realized there was no point in trying to sleep. It was a good day. I went back to the light house at evening again with loads of food, water and some more packets of peas for her for her fading bruises. She ate silently and I told her about my friend's visit. How they were afraid. And how much fun it was to see them almost pee their pants. She was listening to every word I said with a smile on her face. When I finally asked her how old is she.

"I will be 15 soon." She said in the same quiet timid voice of hers. It is like music to my ears. Which sounds so weird. But it is. She talks so less yet when she says stuff it makes my heart flutter. I texted her goodnight after I came home.

Next day while I was trying to sneak out again, "Abbie I know you are going to the light house. No need to sneak out okay. I don't mind. Go ahead. I will be here." Riley said. Well that stunned me a little but did not stop me from going to my destination. It lasted for another day and then Krystal left the light house again. But this time she texted me saying, 'leaving'. Again, just one word. But I knew what she meant. I did ask her in the note to tell me when she will leave or be here if she disappears again. I knew she would, but I didn't think it would be this soon. The next day I was mopey again, but this time Riley and I went to the light house. I went up and checked for any sign of Krystal before letting Riley up again. She again stunned me by not asking me anything about it. We spent the day at the beach instead of inside the light house. It was fun having Riley for a week.

Well next week came around and her mom came back, she never told me where her mom went to or even why. I never pressed on either thinking she would, tell me if she wants to. I was a little sad for her to leave. As this time, I would be alone again. No Riley and no Krystal. Ryan tried his best to cheer me up, but I just wanted to shut myself in my room or in the light house. He even offered to go the light house with me. But I knew one time was enough for him. So, I went alone. It felt nice being there, but it made me miss Krystal more.

I heard a fight while I was driving back from the light house that night. It sounded like I knew the voice. And I was right. It belonged to none other than Vincent. He was shouting curses at... Riley? I stopped the car to confirm and surely, I saw a red eyed Riley sitting on a porch crying her eyes out while Vincent is standing in front of her. He had his back at me and Riley noticed me. She did not say anything, just started crying more. I went up to her parking the car and pulled her in a hug. While going to her, I pushed past Vincent purposely. He was shocked for a second before yelling things at me too. I did not hear a word he was yelling. I looked at Riley. She seemed like she was crying for a while, there was red fingerprints on her face possibly from a slap. That made me angry and when I touched her right cheek, she stopped me with her left hand, and I noticed bruises on her wrist. Vincent really hurt her. I did not think twice.

Next thing I know, I am sitting in my car parked in front of my house. And I have Riley in the passenger seat with me. She is afraid. She is looking at me like she is scared of me. Shit what did I do? At that moment I knew I was super angry and blacked out what happened. Oh well! First, I should treat Riley's bruises before asking her what the hell did I do?

Ryan came outside, saw us and he took Riley in. She is really scared off me. She did not want to leave with me. Oh god did I hurt her? Shit! Fuck! Why can't I remember anything? I don't know why but seeing Vincent curse Riley out so much made me so angry. Why though? Almost as if a need to protect her came over me and I remember wanting to kick Vincent senseless. Please tell me I did not just do that! Riley did not see me angry! But by the look in her eyes it is evident she saw me angry. More importantly I am getting the feeling I did kick Vincent senseless. Am I bruised though? I cannot feel much. Well I have a high pain tolerance. I went to the bathroom to wash my face while Ryan tended to Riley's bruises.

That is when I saw my lip has a cut, there is some marks around my right eye and both cheeks as well as around my neck. Did Vincent try to choke me or something. Oh no! That would not have ended well for him. I know how my angry brain works by now. I went out to ask Ryan to call 911 for Vincent when Riley said, "you called it right after you fought him like crazy. How the hell did you do that?" Okay. I guess I am a responsible fighter? That does not make any sense.

"Riley you have no idea. This is Abbie. And I am sure she got black out angry. I can understand why she would though. I am getting angry just seeing that he slapped you. She must have fled off the handle. At least she called 911 for him, I might not have. I can see he tried to choke Abbie, I definitely wouldn't have called 911 if he did that to me." Ryan told Riley and gave me an ice pack.

"What am I supposed to do with this Ryan? You know me."

"Put this on your face Abbie. I know you do not feel pain much, but I would rather see your normal face than a swollen one. Thank you very much." He scoffed after. Does he have to be so cocky though?

I muttered a fine and took the ice pack from him.

"Riley would you mind telling me what the hell happened? Why was he yelling at you much less hurting you?"

"He was drunk. He did not mean it. He was just not himself. I guess drinking made him a little angry."

"A little? You are kidding right?" I looked at Riley and realized she is not. That's when I realized this is not the first time something like this happened. "Oh god Riley. Come here." And I hugged her. I knew she was not sure what I meant by that, but I also knew that she got what I was trying to say.

"Riles where is your mom?"

"She is at work. She had night duty at her new workplace. She said it was far from here, so she left early. And then Vinny came. We were talking, he kept asking me where I was last week? When I told him here, he got angry. I don't know why but he asked me more and more about how we spent the week and the more I replied him the angrier he got. When I told him about our beach day, he...umm...he..."

"It's okay Riley. He hit you then. I get it. But what I do not get is why was he angry if you were here when your mom was out of town?"

"He said I should have stayed with him. Not here. I don't know you...and that he doesn't trust you. When I told him, I trust you he pulled me out the house saying he would bring me here. That's when I pushed him and stumbled on my porch and you pulled in front of us. I was scared Abbie. I am sorry. I should have never let you get hurt. I should have stopped him from hitting you. I tried but he pushed me, but then you started hitting him, kicking him more because he pushed me. I am sorry Abbie. You got hurt because of me." Riley started crying again. I do not want her to cry. Especially not for me.

"Riles. This is nothing. It doesn't even hurt. I have had worse. Trust me. Please don't cry. Stay here. Okay. We will eat junk food and watch shitty movies. And not think about anything. Okay. Please don't cry. Please Riley." I took her hand in mine and held her before pulling her in a hug. She cried in my shoulders a little before she stopped. Ryan just looked at us with a smile. Like he knew something, and he was proud of me. What? Dude why are you proud of me? I hit someone granted it was to help my friend, my crying mess of a friend here. But still. Huh! I have never helped anyone like this before. I did help Ryan though. Wait really. I helped two people now. Is Riley that important to me now? Whoa did not see that coming!

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